245am, Monday 7/3/2011.
Aku patut balik kol 12midnight tadi, kuar spital kol 2am.
Such a crap shift. Really buat aku lemah semangat nak gi kerja esok.
Its not a nice experience being yelled at by the other units, despite I was trying to do things right. They want us to be understanding that they are grumpy coz they have been on call since Friday & have been called for many many times since Friday. But still, thats their job thats written in their job description that they need to be on call hence whatever is related to being on call. Why should I be understanding while they are not trying to be understanding to my job as well. Bukannye crap referral yg aku call diorang tu pon. Semuanye important. And plus, kalau ye pon dah on call since Friday & diorang tired, that doesnt give them the green light to yell at others. Bodo.
Lagi satu plak si nurse bangang ni yg yelled at me for a silly reason, coz aku blom kasitau kat patient pasal patient needs to be transferred back to resus area from a low level care coz dia sakit, while aku tgh busy nak get a bed under cardiology before the bed is being taken away coz aku lambat. Geram betul aku dgn si nurse bangang ni.
Seb baik jugak bosses today very supportive. But still rasa very low now.
Really rasa my self esteem very very low. Agaknye sebab jadi isteri derhaka, anak derhaka, pekerja derhaka, segalanye derhaka tu la pasal dapat balasan orang derhaka kat dunia ni.
Rasa cam tak nak gi kerja esok :'(( :'(( :'((
Aku kena gi kerja semula siang nanti kol 1pm :'(( :'(( :'((
sama kita, rasa down aje hari ni...susah betul hidup kekadang yek... ada aje tak kena dan dikenakan orang, sesuka aje nak nyerit nyerit... ingat dia tarzan... sabar yea, seperti cakap kat diri sendiri jugak....
memang gila orang2 ni. ingat dia je betul. bodo.
tu la i pon terpaksa sabar.
u pon take care.
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