Saturday, 22nd May 2010.
Seram sejuk aku dibuatnye bila tiba-tiba aku kena tahan oleh abang polis trafik masa driving down along Warigal Rd frm Cantebury Rd to Riversdale Rd. Oh No!! (Dia ada penembak speed tu lah!)
I was on the way back home from night shift. Bukan kereta aku je kena tahan, ada lagi 2 kereta kena tahan; satu a gold Camry driven by a youngish man, satu lagi a white car driven by an old lady.
Berdebar-debar je aku bila abang polis trafik tu suruh pull over closer to the gold Camry. Aku was like, "Oh, great, another saman.. AND demerit points since now I'm driving with an Australian driver's license... AND a few hundreds surely gonna rabak.. kaching kaching.."
Aku cam terfikir-fikir berapa la speed aku tadi, aku almost believed that I was over 60kphr when I was stopped. Hmm.. berapa la points kena ni agaknye.Worst, kalau kena gantung lesen. Aku cam panic la jugak.. 'Oh, no! I cannot afford to live without a driver's license!' Dah la betul-betul bawah bukit tu. Hampes je dia dok parking kat bawah bukit. Sheesshhhh...
Driving that besi 'terlebih comel' tu alwiz gives me the adrenaline rush & a false impression that aku drive laju padahal slow je kereta tu. While the Mazda 3 is much more powerful, it is very relaxing & smooth duduk kat driver's seat, and its not difficult to go way over the speed limit without u realizing it because u dont feel it. Besi tu plak, kalau mencecah 100kphr je dah gegar abis dah. Tu la pasal aku cam mati-mati ingat aku dah over gila-gila dgn besi tu tadi.
Dalam termengah-mengah cari purse yg mengandunig lesen aku (seb baik ada dlm handbag), abang polis trafik pon sampai kat kereta aku. "I dont actually have to talk to you. You can go once the traffic is clear, okay."
Terkebil-kebil biji mata aku nak digest apa dia cakap tu. Aku pandang dia, "Uhmm.. okay." Dalam hati, "Eh, nak saman ke tak ni?"
Sesaat lepas tu dia cakap kat aku, "Thank you." And terus kuarkan kertas saman-menyaman dia kat mamat gold Camry tu.
Hmm.. then aku baru sedar dia nak tangkap si Camry tu, tapi masa dia tahan si Camry tu, ada lagi dua kereta driving sebelah si Camry tu termasukla aku.
Sepanjang perjalanan balik rumah aku cam confused sket.. but, Alhamdulilah tak kena tahan. Kalau tak melayang la beberapa ratus dollar duit aku PLUS demerit points. Aku pon konon-konon la berjanji tak nak speed lagi (aku mana ada speed slalunye hehehe..), especially bila dah dapat balik my car from the workshop. Sampai kat rumah baru la kepala aku cam dpt fully digest what had happened. Bersyukur la jugak, doa aku supaya ada polis trafik along Warrigal Rd one day termakbul jugak. Slalunye which ever car I drive, org slalu tailgate aku or flash aku or honk aku despite me being 5kphr more! Hampas je kan. Aku ni punye la sopan kat jalanraya. Aku benci nak drive over the speed. Diorang2 ni takde conscience or moral ke apa.
Balik tu ngantuks abis. Aku kinda tak puas hati with the work last night. Aku penat gila & otak aku slow semacam. Menda2 simple pon aku terasa bodo semacam.
Mcm2 buat aku nyampah kat patients. Contoh satu yg best, budak obese ni ckp perut dia 'swollen'. Tak puas hati bila aku examined dia while dia baring, dia siap berdiri lagi punye la semangat nak tunjuk kat aku yg perut dia 'swollen'. Adohaaaiii... (aku tengah menahan diri dari mengata sesuatu yg kurang elok ni =P) Dah la mak dia kurang ajar ngan aku & the nurses. Marah la konon apsal kena tunggu lama sangat and demanding the answer like.. NOW. Aku takde la marah kat mak dia, aku just cakap dengan tenang, 'Well, you are not the only patient in this ED, there's another 40 patients & 10 of them are critically dying. There's only 4 doctors to look after those 40 patients. It is good enuf that I managed to get to u at 3hours of waiting time."
Lepas aku dah check anak dia betul2, aku pon explain la kat both of them wat it could be dengan bahasa paaaaling senang nak faham without any medical jargon. Boleh je plak sesaat lepas aku dah explain panjang lebar tu mak dia plak bebel-bebel.. 'so what is it, what is it'. Aku terus potong cakap dia, 'Well, I just told you, we need to do this & that, blablablabla.' Haaaa.. amik kau sebiji. Sheesshhh, dalam hati aku mcm berkata dia ni mesti tak dengar langsung apa aku ckp tadi. Aku nak je kasi dia lagi, tapi aku tengok dia 'macam' tersedar silap dia. Aku pon blah la sambung kerja lain.
After a few hours of treatment aku review anak dia balik. Macam dah ok sket. Aku ckp la nanti aku datang la lagi in an hour or so nak kasi treatment tu betul2 effective. Si makcik hampas ni bleh je lagi nak kenakan aku, 'Okay I see you in EXACTLY an hours time'.
Aku cam, Eh? Aku pon jawab la dengan nada sedingin-dinginnye sambil menyepetkan lagi mata aku buat muka killer.. 'Okay, if there's NO other patient in THIS Emergency Department, I'll come back in EXACTLY one hours time'. Haaaaa... amik kau. Terdiam dia.
Ada lagi sepanjang malam tu org yg lagi kurang ajar, kasi aku & other docs panas hati. Bagi aku, kalau nak kurang ajar cam ni, balik la woi. Hmmm.. malas la nak ingat-ingat lagi pasal org2 bodo cam ni.
E.M.E.R.G.E.N.C.Y. DEPARTMENT ialah untuk E.M.E.R.G.E.N.C.Y. cases, hokaaay!!
Bukan doctor2 ni lepak2 je buat kerja. Dah la tak cukup docs, none of us actually amik any breaks most of the time kerja malam. Just stop kalau gila nak mati pasal dahaga. We r actually killing our kidneys, hearts, livers, brains while terkejar-kejar nak selamatkan orang. And apa yg kitorang dapat? Patients yg kurang ajar & kurang akal, also sometimes nurses yg sama. Robot pon kena recharge & maintain okay. No wonder banyak doctors make mistakes & get sued all the time. And unfortunately, public hospital nyer triage system will make things like selsema & menda-menda GP ni, will be attended the quickest after 3-4hours.. kalau takde life-threatening (or DYING) patients kat resus cubes sana. Kalau ada org nak mati or code blue, alamatnye masa menunggu akan jadi up to 10-12hours. Sad kan?
(Nyampah gila kalau ada patients yg dah dalam surgery waiting list tapi datang ED coz tak sabar nak tunggu.. apa ingat ED docs nak gi operate on ur ugly mole ke tengah2 malam ni while letting other patients mati dlm department, or ingat kitorang ni ada power nak suruh surgeons to ignore their category 1 urgent surgical lists & operate on ur gall bladder that very night ke? Surgeons tu pon mesti rasa nak bunuh je patients2 ni kalau datang thru ED semata-mata malas nak tunggu. Or datang ED tengah malam coz malas nak tunggu GP diorang bukak or pasal GP kena bayar, ED free. Hampas sungguh!)
A lot of things affecting this waiting time, and unfortunately government cuma tengok the numbers, that in the end affecting the funding & hence worsening the situation. Kalau dikupas-kupas punca masalahnye yg ribu-raban ni, it all comes back to the funding system itself. In the end, doctors gak yg merana no matter wat specialty u do. And unfortunately the private system is also increasingly facing the same strain. Sad, sad...
Tukar cerita.
Lepas dinner kat Old Town Mamak kat QV lepas bangun tu (sejuk gila), kami singgah kat Safeway beli Earl Grey tea, balsamic vinegar & Dijon mustard. 3 barang je. Hubby & I love Earl Grey tea. Dapat la percuma sekor anak gajah batu. Comeeell!!
BRAVO! hahahaha! gila ah! i like ur response to the ignorant patients + families! wohoo!
ah nasib baik kereta kena benti bukan sbb nak disaman, selamat duit dan point ;)..
hariz: oh well, terpaksa jawab cam gitu. slalu i say sorry to those yg baik. tapi this one kinda terasa bersalah plak i didnt. :P
takpe la, next time i'll play the game right.
chibi: yeah, seb baik tak kena. terkulat-kulat jugak masa kena kena tahan tu :P
sekali sekala dorang ni kene diajar skit baru dia tau rasa... i pun suka cara u balas balik, firm gitu..
btw comel anak gajah tu, i dengan hubby pulak kumpul miniature kambing biri2 dengan itik heheh
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