Best gila, ED kind of kosong. Yg datang pon 2,3 kes yg senang2 e.g. tergeliat sana-sini. Best la lepak2, borak2.
Then datang satu pakcik unconscious collapse. The only case yg masuk in 3 hours. Kesian dia subdural haemorrhage, quite severe coz ada midline shift, gcs 6, partial seizures (which also means dah irreversible hypoxia of the brain). Soooo... the 2 great senior ED registrars called us the juniors to come & watch the intubation process. (Imagine the whole ED were in that cubicle simply coz takde patient, mcm music show plak). Kitorang dpt free very good tutorials from them. I especially got to stand right next to the dude yg intubated the patient, cool gila! Also, I had the chance to do arterial line in him. I got in the first go, even tho tak pernah buat seumur hidup. Best!
Masa tutorial tu, ada la soal jawab, the bosses tanya the other junior doc soalan yg senang2, tapi tanya aku dpt soalan yg susah2 coz dia kata next yr aku kena jadi registrar! Yikes! Aku blom puas lagi jadi resident.
Anyways, that night was cool.
Pagi itu..
Pemandangan hospital's ED area from the carpark building
Kiri ialah private hospital Epworth Eastern,
kanan ialah Arnorld St building: our carpark, Epworth Eastern dialysis centre,
admin, library, tutorial/lecture rooms.
kanan ialah Arnorld St building: our carpark, Epworth Eastern dialysis centre,
admin, library, tutorial/lecture rooms.
Along Arnold St. Kiri bangunan yg aku ckp kat dlm gambar atas.
Kanan ialah bgn'n yg aku rasa baik roboh je :P
situ ada residents quarters, research centre, clinics, etc.
Dan jugak gravel carpark di sebelahnye.
Aku tak park situ coz gegar2 otak bila masuk situ.
Then aku gi mintak letter of support utk get into the ED training, blablabla. Aku ckp kat boss aku yg aku kinda takut nak jadi registrar coz aku rasa cam aku still lembap lagi. Dia kata takpe, diorang akan train me 'til I become the best ED doc ever.. as long as I work hard myself. Huhuhu.. terharu. Bila org dah kasi kepercayaan cam tu, terasa cam nak give more.
Ni kriteria utk mark the form. Setiap rotation kena ada form ni.
The resident kena mark how they feel they went through the rotation,
then the consultant hafta mark them ikut list.
The resident kena mark how they feel they went through the rotation,
then the consultant hafta mark them ikut list.
Macam2 list ada, ada utk knowlede, profesionalism, documentation, management, etc.
Aku isi mostly 3,4, coz aku rasa aku masih kurang bagus.
Terharu the boss ticked mostly 4,5 for most of the items. =)
Aku isi mostly 3,4, coz aku rasa aku masih kurang bagus.
Terharu the boss ticked mostly 4,5 for most of the items. =)
huhuhu bila lah aku nak jadi cam kau.. tahap registrar dah.. good on u!!
takde la tahap registrar lagi. blom masanye. harap2 aku dah ready. ramai gila org tanya aku bila nak daftar college, bila nak amik exam. aku cam.... nak jadi housewife la plak :P
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