Aku takde baju lain selain dp kebaya lama2 aku yg masih ada dlm almari tu. Ada yg aku suka bila try ketat sgt la plak, and bila tengok dlm cermin.. ish, macam.. so WRONG je! Hehehheeh.. (Ni ayat utk diri sendiri... "Oii insaf tak? Insaf tak? Insaf la weeiii!").
Tempat ni kat sebelah this chapel yg across Flinders St Station/ Exhibition Centre/ Westin Hotel tu. Ada satu hall attached to the chapel, quite nice la the hall. Masa one of hubby's bosses kasi speech dia ckp hall tu dibuat masa zaman late 18hundreds something. And dlm byk2 dia ckp tu dia ckp pasal the reason buat kat sini takde nak dikaitkan dgn any religious intention. Ntah apa2. Mebbie pasal dlm byk2 pompuan yg pakai dedah2 tu, aku sorang je pakai tudung :P Oh well, aku tak terasa apa pon.
Ni dalam hall tu, gambar siling.
The party was a 'mingle' party, meaning go around borak2 sambil kunyah2 minum2 enjoy music yg kuat gila sampai hampir pekak telinga aku. Mingle apanye kalau dah kuat gitu musicnye. Kami ckp sket2 je dgn matsaleh2 & other Asian Aussies mainly coz aku tak brapa paham lawak Aussie diorang ni & tak dgr. Lawak2 org korporat ni kinda lain sket dgn lawak2 yg biasa aku dgr. And aku cam terasa aura of the crowd kinda lain dp the usual crowd that aku dah biasa cam kat spital tu & kat sini.Ada this interesting lady, she's the wife of one of the big people there, dia ialah seorang Australian Federal Police. Very friendly. I told hubby that she was friendly, and hubby replied back sambil lewa.. " Yeah, mebbie she's trying to gather info from u without u knowing it..." Errk! Hampes je hubby. Nak gurau pon, gurau la cara lain.. hish..
In terms of the food. Like alwiz, kami hanya mampu makan the seafood & vegetarian.. sotong goreng, udang goreng, quiche telur, spring roll vegie.. cam gitu la. Air pon cuma tonic drink, coke, lemonade. Tak kenyang coz they were only finger foods je. Menda cinonet yg waitresses/waiters bawak sambil semua org ckp2, joget2. Tak amik gambar coz only finger foods served by the waitresses/waiters & gelap. Oh ye, the waitresses/ waiters were very helpful, diorang offer nak buat vegetarian + seafood stuff extra utk kami. Cool.
Banyak gila org amik gambar kami berdua mlm tu. Hehhehe.. exotic couple kot. (pergghh.. perasan abis!). Tak kisah la tu, mana tau ada mana2 company nak amik aku jadi model kan :P model handbag ke, model tanam pokok ke, model supermarket ke, model keselamatan jalan raja ke, jadi la kan. Menarik sket hidup. Yg thn lepas punya offer tu, dah mmg tak jadi :P
Kami balik pon dah lambat gila, nearly midnight. Seb baik spital tak call aku coz aku sebenarnye on call for the whole day Friday. Ingat nak singgah Pancake Parlour for a light dinner, tapi masing2 dah letih gila, so balik rumah lepas mandi, solat Isyak sumer terus kong atas katil.
All in all, last night wasnt that bad. In terms of food memang tak puas coz kami takleh makan the meat stuff. In terms of the crowd, hmmm, biasa-biasa je. Aku tak peduli pon kalau diorang nak sombong2 dgn aku coz ada gak yg bercakap dgn aku. And now I know those people that my hubby works with. Some are nice, some ntah apa-apa. The place cantik. Dlm toilet lelaki & pompuan ada sediakan free getah rambut, wet tissue, candies/mint, freshener, lip balm, lotion, pin, untuk emergency. Cool kan?
Pagi ni, hubby gi city kat Vic library to do his GPM work with his buddy. It was a nice morning with bright sun (tapi sejuk). Best kalau dpt jalan2 dgn hubby around the block. Tapi takpe la.. next time.
As for me.. back to my study/ work afta this blog :P
Menghantar hubby keluar, dia dah dlm kereta..
menarik location tu, i suka tempat2 bersejarah ni even tho macam creepy sket kan..
pssstttt, lawa kebaya.. i this raya baru nak try kebaya, kiranya the first time in my life wearing kebaya gitu eekekeke..
creepy gak kat luar bangunan ni, coz ada kedai gothic kat cermin dia ada tengkorak byk2 siap ada mcm2 palang lagi.
my kebaya tu lama gila, mungkin dah 8,9 thn dah tu. muat lagi coz now i dah gemuk, dulu taknak pakai coz longgar sgt.
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