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Saturday, March 26, 2011

MIA.. I'm back

Lama dah kan aku tak update anything on this blog. More than a week. Been unwell in the past week with fever, cough, sneezing, congested nose (in short= URTI or in laymen's term, common cold je). Still pegi kerja even tho I feel like I'm just spreading germs to people... kinda dun care.. hahahaha.. >:)
And bila kat rumah slalunye aku akan rehat je coz tak larat buat apa-apa dah.

Recap in the past week or so:
- Wednesday 16/3/11: Pagi tu aku nyer teaching session, gi ngajar the kids on stroke/ TIA. Had only a few hours sleep the night before. Obviously aku appeared like trash that morning. It went ok lah, coz most of the time I probably sounded like I didnt know what I was talking about. Then, termereng jap, gi kuar dgn 1 of my workmates ke Doncaster Mall. Saja lah, kalau balik sure tido punye & nanti susah plak nak bgn utk kerja pagi for the rest of the week.

- Friday 18/3/11: Went to Melbourne city with Dr. HAK. Had dinner after jalan2 kat Myer.

- Saturday 19/3/11: Rasa tak sihat tapi not febrile. Day shift, not that bad. Tapi sth happened that day, I left early frm work. Seb baik bosses baik & understanding.

- Sunday 20/3/11: Febrile the whole day at work, and obviously work went really slow. Coughing none stop. ED was like mad house, a few docs missing without having the courtesy to call earlier. Aku worked at my own pace lah coz dah tak sihat. Bosses tak marah coz dia tau aku working hard despite sakit-sakit ni.

- Monday 21/3/11: Day off, tapi aku tak larat the whole day. Did cook dinner, some instant chicken dish & some pasta instant jugak. Lama dah rasanye tak dinner dgn hubby.

- Tuesday 22/3/11: Still batuk-batuk lagi, with runny nose. Tapi aaaah, lantak la. Lama dah aku sedar, semua org anggap doctors tak boleh sakit. Kalau diorang sakit, maknanye diorang ni ngada-ngada. Thats the impression that we get when we voice out our concerns/ unwellness to ppl. No one cares. Hospital admin lagi la, layan docs like penjenayah yg kena jail & paksa jadi buruh kasar. Ada sorang intern ni baik gila belikan aku sekotak Strepsils. So nice of her! :')

- Friday 25/3/11: Semalam aku made a fool of myself in front of everyone kat nursing station. Boss suruh gi fast track. Aku dok melompat-lompat kat situ tak nak pegi. Hahaha. Ye la, dah 2 hari berturut-turut aku dok kat fast track tu, dah la printer bodo not working. Benci aku. Seb baik boss kasi aku dok kat dalam. Aku still batuk-batuk lagi. Acara paling menarik pada hari Jumaat yg suci ni ialah ngumpat dgn senior reg pasal intern mana yg paling tak best. Hehehehe. Of course la si blond yg berlagak & pemalas itu jadi mangsa. Hehehhee. >:) Jahat tol! Seriously, registrars yg dah berpengalaman ni semua tak mintak disembah-sembah, but we dont need bad attitudes. Seperti kata salah sorangnye.. "Know your place!". Obviously regs sumer suka juniors yg baik, sopan, rajin. Kalau bodo takpe, boleh blaja. Kalau pemalas, kureng ajar, byk songeh.. hmm... takleh ditolong aaah.

Hari ni, tak buat apa2. Aku bgn sangat lambat. Balik lambat smlm, and I took some antihistamine menyebabkan aku takleh bangun langsung pagi ni. Still not fully recovered yet, tapi okay la sket. This cough is soooooo annoying. Mebbie aku should go get the antibiotics that was prescribed to me before tapi aku tak gi beli konon-konon akan sihat dgn sendiri.

Anyways, ptg ni nak gi visit TTM. Lama gila dah tak jumpa dia & family. Rindu jugak kat the kids.

Okay ciaaaooo..


Chibi Maruko said...

harap u dah sembuhdah, sama sini, batuk elergik perubahan musim semua sedang melanda... take care ok

A~ said...

hopefully get better soon la kan. bosan dah batuk2 cam apa je ni. batuk kat muka patients pon best. ahahah.

u pon kurang sihat ke chibi? hopefully u pon cepat sembuh. keep warm :)

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