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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Peluang korang nak berbakti kat aku =P

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beralih arah

Tersengguk-sengguk aku baca buku sekolah dalam bilik tadi. Sampai tertido-tido. Tak tau la apa yg melekat dlm otak aku ni. Harap-harapnye something la kan.

Now aku beralih ke kitchen plak. Best jugak blaja kat kitchen ni. Our
kitchen & lounge are facing the arvo sun, while the bedrooms are facing the morning sun. As the day passes, matahari dalam bilik tu pon merudum & suam-suam kuku. And boleh agakla mcm mana my (severely short half-life) attention span if senantiasa study dlm bilik. Dah la sejuk kan. Katil & doona plak senantiasa memanggil-manggil.. "meh la kami peluk kasi panas & sedap badan tu.. "

Now in the kitchen, angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa masuk ikut tingkap dapur tu. The sunlight pon mcm best je. Walaupon kitchen aku ni kecik cinonet je, aku memang terasa bahagia dok kat sini mengadap buku. Tenang je rasa.
Saat-saat cam gini, aku rasa, kan best kalau satu family ada kat rumah dgn aku..

Kan best kalau sentiasa terang & bahagia cam gini...

(Malam ni finale MasterChef.. sapa akan menang? Adam or Callum? Aku penyokong Adam :) Hehehehehe..)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chocolate comfort

There I did it again. Kalau jiwa terasa gelisah, patut pegi la ngaji ke, berbakti kat masjid ke apa kan. Tapi aku gi koyakkan dompet kat Lindt cafe balik kerja tadi. Macam2 yg buat jiwa aku ni tidak keruan. Mostly pasal kerja of course. I think also pasal aku gi visit K.Z. balik kerja tadi sambil amik balik my periuk/besen. Just got to know that they r leaving back to Singapore for a little break. Sedih plak rasa that it has come to that. I wish them all the best.

Untuk menyedapkan hati, aku singgah jap kat Chadstone after visiting K.Z. Went straight to Myer, but lucky didnt buy anything, just buang masa for 10minutes then kuar balik. Somehow terasa mcm lemas pulak dalam Myer tu... surprise surprise. Yes, went to Lindt Cafe to get some... yes, u guessed it.. macarons! Lagi! Hehehehhe.

Tu campur skali choc kecik2.
Choc balls patut ada 2, satu dah ngap kat cafe tadi.
Also bought some cakes, thanks to MasterChef, aku macam teringin plak nak makan cake. A few days ago, MasterChef showed the toughest cake challenge by Adriano Zumbo- the V8 Cake. Ni perisa vanilla. Aku beli a small piece of cake yg ada sket2 rupa layered cake mcm dlm MasterChef tu tapi perisa dark choc + coffee, rupa + rasa takde la sehebat V8 cake tu kot. What attracted me most was the layering + coffee flavour in it, aku kira-kira mesti mak suka cake ni kalau dia dpt rasa.

Lindt Opera
Cake lagi satu ialah this very cute dark choc cake. Still rasa dark choc. Dlm kertas tu dia kata light.. takde la light mana. Aku beli sebab dia cute je.

Lindt Choc cake
To top it off, aku bazirkan beli 2 biji bola chocolate Lindt perisa cookies & cream. 1 utk aku, 1 utk hubby. Aku ngap tang tu gak masa nak bayar tu. Lapar, dah tu si cashier tu terkial-kial je nak tekan butang mesin kira tu.. kesian la jugak, first day dia. Lindt ball tu takde la sedap sangat, coz I dont like white chocolate. To me baik minum susu je terus, takde la loya sangat. Heheheh..
Notice tak most of the delicacies adalah dark chocolate? Rangking choc kegemaran aku ialah 1. dark chocolate. 2. Milk chocolate. 3. Mix dark + milk. White choc tak masuk rangking. Hubby kurang minat dark choc, dia lagi suka white or milk. Bagi aku dark choc banyak anti-oxidant (and caffeine), rasa sedap, kurang lemak. And utk completekan selera choc aku, kalau chocolate yg aku nak makan kena la ada nuts or tambahan2 lain e.g. coconut or mint or orange pieces, kalau tak boring je. White chocolate paling banyak lemak, paling kurang anti-oxidant and rasa dia paling loya bagi tekak aku. Tapi ramai yg suka white choc, variasi dlm dunia ni :P
(Eleh.. tak suka lemak dlm white choc konon, hehhehe, banyak je lagi menda lemak tepu yg aku suka telan slama ni kan.. )

Kopak dah aku.. harap lepas ni takde la jiwa kacau lagi...
Anyways, balik kerja tadi aku singgah Box Hill Centro, gi beli some barang dapur. Beli jugak ikan. Tengok la malam nanti nak masak apa..


Sambungan. Dinner malam ni. Takde idea nak masak apa. I bought this lovely cod pieces & sekor tuna kecik. Tuna tu simpan. Goreng the cod pieces lightly coz dia lembut. Bila dah goreng nampak cantik. So aku buat la sambal utk masukkan ikan tu. Bila dah masukkan ikan tu & kacau.. pecah pecah plak. Hmm, alang2 dah pecah aku hancurkan je la, senang hati. Hehehhe. Sayur, same again, sayur goreng. This time it was a mix of brussel sprouts, carrots, purple cabbage & mushrooms. Simple je.
Dessert.. tu haaa.. gambar-gambar kat atas tu...

Ok.. now its time to perah otak sampai berdarah..

(Before that... I AM SO GLAD SI-TAK-LAYAK TU DAH OUT OF MASTERCHEF!!! Bwaahahahahhaaha!!!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Musim mandarin & MasterChef final week.

Boleh tak aku cakap aku nyampah habis dgn si jimmy dlm MasterChef ni. Manusia yg paling tak layak masuk MasterChef dari awal2 lagi. Setiap kali dia safe dlm competition ni, sure aku dgr 'sedikit' kata-kata nista dari hubby. Kadang2 aku join tapi lembut sket kot bunyi nye. Hehehehe.... Manyak lagi manusia lain yg billion-billion kali lebih layak dari dia to be in the final week. E.g. Jonathan, Alvin, Aaron, etc.
Pendek kata kami memang nyampah gila nak muntah la dgn dia. As much as aku excited nak tengok final week of MasterChef, aku nyampah nak tengok muka si-tak-layak-disebut-nama tu appears on it every night.
(kira brapa kali aku guna perkataan nyampah kat sini?)
Yet, hubby ingatkan aku, semenyampah-menyampah semua org kat pakcik nyampah tu, the MasterChef was filmed early this year & not live. Its not influenced by public votings. Meaning that the results are mostly objective, if not dictated.
Yeah.. true true..

Anyways, I love mandarins. One of my many favourite fruits. Kalau kat M'sia (zaman dulu-dulu), mak & abah slalu beli mandarin berkotak-kotak. Aku panggil ni limau kopek sebabnye kalau nak makan kena kopek dulu baru boleh makan. Lagipun aku nyer pemahaman kalau boleh kopek maknanye manis. Kalau kena potong, sure masam.. macam lemon, limau purut, kadang-kadang limau Sunkist.

Aku paling suka kalau dia manis. Kalau masam biasanye aku akan kasi mak sebab dia kadang-kadang tak kisah makan oren masam. (Kasih ibu). Kadang-kadang tu kalau manis & sedap punye pasal aku akan makan sampai batuk2. Aku takde la paham sangat apsal makan oren byk gila boleh sakit tekak/ batuk2 ni. Kadang-kadang kami adik-bradik bleh rebut-rebut makan oren ni.

Kat Aussie ni, musim mandarins/tangerines/oren ni ialah time autumn/ winter2 ni la. Seb baik ada time winter, it makes winter slightly bearable. Mandarins remind me of Malaysia & my family. Dalam banyak2 tu aku paling suka Imperial mandarins because rupa, texture, rasa dia closest to those limau kopek yg aku slalu makan dulu-dulu. Boleh bawak bekal gi spital tetiap hari. Dessert after each meal. Best. Walaupon mahal sket, tapi bagi aku ni la limau kopek paling sedap aku pernah rasa kat Aussie ni. Sebab dia mahal sket tak bleh la makan sampai batuk macam dulu.

Aku harap this year musim limau kopek ni will last a little bit longer than usual.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Gaya masakan sayur kegemaran

Seriously, aku tak tau apsal aku update this blog like... TODAY!! On a WEEKDAY!! First day of the weekdays!!

Hari ni aku balik lambat sket dari biasa. The last case was this bloke, used to be a heavy smoker (smoked for 30odd yrs sejak skolah rendah & quit a couple of wks ago), with Crohn's & had a laparotomy bowel resection.
Balik rumah je dah sipi-sipi nak masuk Isyak, so aku pon terkejar-kejar solat Maghrib. And tunggu Isyak dulu baru masak dinner. Ni sambil2 tulis blog sambil review this Anaesthetic Dept Handbook & kasi my review to my big boss by today or tomorrow.

Oh ye, aku excited gila balik kerja tadi coz dah lama benar aku tak masak kari. Rindu gila kat kari masakan aku. Hehhhehee. (Ni mesti pasal terminum coffee before balik kerja tadi).
So tadi aku masak my (tak brapa) famous chicken curry & (balik-balik ni) sayur goreng.

Hubby kata my chicken curry was sedap & well balanced. Ewah, ewah, bunyi cam judge MasterChef je kan. Hahaha.
Ni kari gaya Gajan** yg aku blaja masa aku mula-mula dok kat halls of residence in 2000 dulu. (Ingat lagi tak, Dr. D?) Encik Gajan** he was one of our hallmates masa kat Howitt Hall dulu. Kalau ikut kari aku... hmm... the first & only kari yg aku masak ikut hati ialah kari kentang yg masin gilaaaaa kat halls dulu sebelum blaja dari Encik Gajan**. Selebihnye.. masak ikut mak punye resepi or Encik Gajan** punya, and yg terbaru kari ikan gaya Mak Ngah Tepeng (kalau ada ikan).

Kari ayamku =D
The sayur plak, hubby kata this is my new specialty, apart from other things. Aku tau aku asik masak sayur goreng je, tak pon tomyam. Takde gaya lain. Bukan apa, bagi tekak aku, sayur memang hanya sedap kalau masak sayur goreng je. Next best is tomyam. Heheheh. Aku suka sayur goreng pasal I like to make it just right; which is sayur tu still crispy & fresh, not overcooked & lunyai & lembik. Tu la pasal. Kalau masak tomyam plak, aku akan masukkan sayur2 tu masa last 10mins of cooking so that dia tak lembik. And after days of makan sampah yg penuh dgn carcinogens, aku rasa patut pun aku masak these vegies to keep up the anti-oxidants, minerals & vitamins up kan. In a way, masak mcm2 jenis sayur dalam satu masakan is a good way to get hubby to eat vegies too :D

Sayur kegemaranku: purple cabbage, cauliflower, snowpeas (or yg sekaum dgnnye).
Tambahan: tomatoes, broccoli, ikan bilis.
Well, takde la bunyi cam pakar masakan pon coz my cooking is still limited to those dishes and seriously, it took me 10years to learn how to make edible chicken curry + sayur goreng.... and still learning.
Alhamdulillah.. hubby suka sampai tambah lagi & the last senduk of nasi aku kinda ckp kat dia aku dah chop utk breakie esok pagi.
Hehheheheh... selamat nasi tu.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekends dah abis :(

(haritu blackout punye lilin tumpang jap atas dapur)

Esok start balik kerja after 'rested' for 3 days since Friday.
Again hafta wake up at 530am or earlier. Makan, study sket2, get ready (tak perlu risau pasal nak pilih baju... baju tido pon takpe, asalkan wangi) then drive to work at 7am to get there by 730am or earlier. Then tukar baju to theatre scrubs, go to pre-admission assessment/ waiting bay, pas tu gi theatre for the morning list, then again to pre-admission assessment/ waiting bay & theatre arvo list. In between naik turun tangga from level 1-2-3-4. Then baru balik. Breaks are during the cases.
Malam, kalau balik awal, masak dinner cukup for 2,3 days. Kalau balik lambat or terlebih penat, makan roti/take aways/ junks. Tgk TV sket2, baca news on the net. Lepas tu mandi, solat ke apa2, study lagi. Go to bed early.
Every other week will alternate between late shift on Tuesday or half day on Saturday for the Ortho/ Trauma list. This week it is the half day Saturday.

Cam tu la rutin aku in Anaesthetics until September (rasanye la, coz spital tak kasi lagi full timetable).

Aku doakan minggu ni, especially esok, aku dengan anaesthetists yg best2 je. Tak larat dah otak & dada aku ni sakit manjang kat dlm theatre tu.

Meja blaja aku malam-malam.
Kat computer tu tunjuk pain pathway + physiology.
Lampu berdiri tu dah dipendekkan hari tu.


On another page of my life for the weekends.

Pagi pegi late breakie kat Sasa's Cafe & Fine Food in Hawthorn. Kami pegi dgn Lybeau & hubby dia, since dia pon kuar to send her son to Sunday School. Lama gila tak catch up. (My social life terasa cam non-existance since started Anaesthetics ni! Huhuhuhu...). Macam makin kurus je Lybeau. Borak2 kosong je, sempoi. Then gi Chadstone to get some groceries, while mereka went to pick their son from the Sunday School.
Makanan kat Sasa's Cafe & Fine Food tu boleh la tahan, tapi tak sesedap kat Porgie & Mr Jones hari tu.

Hubby's Royale: Smoked salmon, poached eggs with hollandaise sauce,
extra home made potato cake.
The rest of us had Vegetarian Breakfast
(kenyang sampai dinner).
The rest of the day, nuthing much. Hubby pegi main badminton with his work friends, while me study sket2 sambil main games kat Neopets/FB.
Dinner just makan take away food yg beli semalam.

Now nak tido.. ZzzZzZzzzzz..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Survey memandu

Takde kerja betul la aku ni. Buat tag yg cilok dp blog TTM walaupon dia kata hanya utk org yg lulus memandu buat kali ke-3 saja. Kekekkekekek.. aku nak gak buat. Otak aku dah tepu baca pasal membrane potential bagai tu.
Saja kasi mak & abah lebih mengenali anakanda ini, kasi adik-adik kenal lebih sket kat akak diorang yg perasan ganas ni. Heheheh.. maklum la, jauh, so kat sini la nak kutip segala tebiat2 ntah apa2 org kat sini kan :P

Apakah anda mempunyai lesen memandu?
2 lesen mcm TTM (heheheheh.. I pon ada 2 taawww!). Satu M'sian driver's license satu lagi Victorian :) Yg M'sia nyer dah mati kot.. balik raya nanti kena renew la gamaknye, kalau tak takleh nak rebut2 drive kereta abah yg besar tu. Hari tu malu je mati-mati dah rebut-rebut dgn adik aku H2, siap dah sipi-sipi je nak dpt dah tapi baru terperasa lesen M'sia mati dah. Aiseh.. terpaksa kasi can kat dia. Ingat ye H2, kasi can je tu sebenarnye. (And, I told hubby.. aku bahagia as long as me or adik I yg dpt drive sebelum dia, hehehehe.. aku cam terperasan jugak yg abah mcm ada harapan nak kasi hubby drive kereta dia before me je.. ish tak boleh jadi ni!)

Bilakah anda mengambil lesen memandu?
Lesen M'sia in 1998 or 1999. Tak ingat. Mahal betul aku rasa masa tu the whole test, dari ujian komputer ke ujian theory ke blaja driving sumer. Masa tu blaja guna Perodua Kancil. Seb baik masa tu size aku comel je, tu pon sesak je nafas. Skang ni tak tau la diorang guna kereta apa kan.

Aussie nyer on-the-road amik last year in December. Dapat plak dgn makcik yg susah tu. Member2 aku yg amik dgn dia sumer kasi warning coz diorang fail 2,3 kali dgn makcik tu. Alhamdulillah aku lulus & dpt komen yg ntah apa2, coz dia dah takde apa nak komen kot (kekekekkeke.. perasan tak abis-abis). Ujian computer in 2008 masa takde kerja dulu. Hazard perception test tu aku lulus pon atas tong je.

Berapa lamakah pengalaman memandu anda?
Sejak dpt lesen kat M'sia tu la. Tapi tak drive coz mak & abah 'volunteer' nak drivekan aku if I wanted to go anywhere.. even skang ni pon :P
Drive kat Aussie ni ialah in 2003, masa tu aku sorang je yg bawak driver's license masa kat rural rotation in Swan Hill, Victoria. Teruk gila my driving style masa tu. Pendek cerita.. bayangkan orang separa buta & penakut yg terkial-kial drive. Seb baik hidup until now.. alhamdulillah. 2005 dpt kereta comel tu & 2007 was living in whoopwhoop which in a way bagus for my driving skills especially at night.

Pengalaman pahit ketika memandu?
Melayang onto the curb by this stoopid Aussie guy yg tried to beat the red light, in 2005, pas tu marah aku ckp aku buta. And since then, my mental health went tumbling down.

Pengalaman manis?
Masa awal2 dapat kereta comel tu, dan jugak now driving my new baby. Aku bersyukur setiap kali aku drive kereta tu. In my heart how I wish to drive mak, abah, adik-adik dalam kereta ni, hasil titik-peluh aku berhempas-pulas kat spital tu :P

3 Tabiat ketika memandu?
1. Kena pasang lagu (or ayat Quran) or radio. Kalau tak jiwa kacau takleh pay attention atas jalan raya. Sunyi je rasa.
2. Pasang lampu. Some people are blind even tho in daylight, ya know..
3. Oh ye, yg penting baca doa sebelum start. Afdal. (Pengalaman mengajar aku segalanye..) Hafal peta sebelum pegi satu-satu tempat yg tak biasa. Tak mampu lagi nak beli GPS (GPS tak best). Dan jugak aku akan pastikan petrol tank penuh, coz jiwa aku tak tenteram bila petrol dah hampir 1/2way thru. Kena pegi toilet awal2 sebelum start the journey, aku akan paksa penumpang2 aku pegi toilet jugak sebelum bertolak tu. Aku suka reverse parking :P

3 Pantang bila memandu?
1. Aku benci orang yg kurang ajar. Kalau speed limit tu kata tu, yg dia nak tailgate aku lagi tu apsal. Pastu bila potong aku siap vroom vroom lagi, nanti kena berenti gak kat depan tu lampu merah. Dah tu main potong-potong jalan tak kasi signal, or main redah je jalan dari simpang mana2, pendek kata kalau tak cepat tekan break bleh terbabas jugak la. Yg lagi terbakar hati kalau lesen dia sekadar P je pon tapi tunjuk lagak atas jalan raya ni. Ataupon pedestrians yg melompat dari arah mana ntah nak lintas jalan, gila aaahhh... bayangkan apa jadi kalau aku lambat tekan break. Idiots.
2. Aku benci jugak org yg lembap kat depan aku, especially kalau time aku nak gi kerja. Contoh kalau jalan 60kmh, dia dok jalan 50kmh (tak kira la lane kiri ke kanan ke) and depan dia kosong. Dah flash byk kali pon dia buat bodo je. Kalau kereta aku ni kebal, aku sodok je kereta/ lori/ bas/ motor/ beskal depan aku tu. Buat semak jalan je diorang ni. Lain la lesen L kan, kasi can diorang blaja.
3. Aku nyampah kat org yg park tepi2 jalan kasi lorong tu sempit especially kat lorong utama aku nak gi kerja pagi2. Buat bottle neck unnecessarily, pegi la park kat lorong tepi tu, ni tak, kat main exit gak nak parking. Hish, kalau kereta aku ni kebal (lagi skali), aku langgar je kereta2 parking tu sumer jatuh masuk M1 tu. Dah la org2 kat sini takde adab bila drive kat tpt2 cam gini. Slalu tak kasi laluan langsung. Kalau kita kasi laluan plak bleh dia kureng ajar tak angkat tangan tanda terima kasih (pantang betul aku.. coz aku tabik bila org kasi laluan kat aku).
4. Dah lebih 3 ni.. hehehe.. aku pantang kalau org yg dok sebelah aku or yg aku kasi tumpang tak cakap2 dgn aku or tido dlm kereta aku. Apa dia ingat aku ni drebar tanpa gaji diorang ke? Lain la kalau aku yg suruh diorang tido/ diam. Sebabnye, aku dgn rasa hormatnye kat org yg drive tu, aku try tak nak dia rasa terpinggir bila aku menumpang kereta dia. Hehehehe.
5. Aku nyampah abis kalau hubby ngada-ngada nak pasang lagu dia kat kereta aku bila aku yg drive. Sebab bila aku naik kereta dia, dia bleh kata kat aku.. "When I'M driving, we listen to MY song." Hampes, terpaksa la aku tahan sakit telinga aku sepanjang perjalanan kalau dia yg drive. Well, it doesnt apply when u r driving my car, honey.
6. Okay, okay, ni last... aku rasa ni kepantangan semua drivers kot.. pernah tak korang bayangkan masa tengah2 jam tu la & jauh lagi perjalanan korang terasa nak terkencing bangat. Haaa... seksa tak? Lebih teruk daripada rasa nak terberak kan? Hehehhehe...

Tag pada pemegang lesen keta...
Sapa-sapa je la yg sudi, especially yg dlm blog list/ yg follow aku tu (macam sipi-sipi je diorang ni nak buat.. hahahaa.. )

Wacky Races

This is one of the many cartoons that I enjoyed watching masa zaman membesar dulu (now pon zaman membesar jugak.. ahaks!).

Now tengah tengok kat TV channel Go! sambil tulis blog masa iklan. Episode ni pasal diorang race dlm hutan.
It is one of the many Hanna-Barbera's products zaman 1968-1969 dulu. Citer pasal 11 wackiest cars racing against each other to win. Watak paling famous ialah Muttley (anjing) & stuan dia Dick Dastardly.

Zaman aku kecik dulu yg menarik minat aku tengok ialah the various shapes/ sizes of cars racing against each other. Dan jugak si ajing Mutley tu gelak lawak gila. Walaupun dia & tuan dia jahat gila & slalu main kotor dlm race tu, kadang-kadang kesian gak kat diorang ni.
Kalau nak tau sejarah pasal Wacky Races ni bleh la tengok kat Google.

Gambar kat sebelah tu tribute to http://www.revolutionmyspace.com/image-code-29/wacky_races

Ada lagi satu production of Hanna-Barbera yg aku suka jugak. Same concept tapi kali ni kapal terbang plak instead of cars; Dastardly & Muttley in Their Flying Machines, with their famous theme song Stop the Pigeon. And kali ni selain daripada nak menang race terbang ni, diorang kinda distracted jugak sebab nak get rid of the pigeon gak coz slalu dianggap sebagai batu penghalang kemenangan si Dastardly & Muttley ni.
Ni gambar tribute to http://www.toonarific.com/show.php?show_id=925

Tux & kebaya

Last night we went to this cocktail party at the city organized by hubby's work. Hubby had to rent this tuxedo coz kat invitation card dia tulis tuxedo & cocktail as the dress code. Mahal!!! Dan jugak dia terkial-kial la nak pakai the bow-tie tu. Siap tengok kat google lagi cam mana nak pasang. Hahaha. And org2 kat party tu asik betul2kan hubby nyer bow, obviously senget la, hape la.
Aku takde baju lain selain dp kebaya lama2 aku yg masih ada dlm almari tu. Ada yg aku suka bila try ketat sgt la plak, and bila tengok dlm cermin.. ish, macam.. so WRONG je! Hehehheeh.. (Ni ayat utk diri sendiri... "Oii insaf tak? Insaf tak? Insaf la weeiii!").

Tempat ni kat sebelah this chapel yg across Flinders St Station/ Exhibition Centre/ Westin Hotel tu. Ada satu hall attached to the chapel, quite nice la the hall. Masa one of hubby's bosses kasi speech dia ckp hall tu dibuat masa zaman late 18hundreds something. And dlm byk2 dia ckp tu dia ckp pasal the reason buat kat sini takde nak dikaitkan dgn any religious intention. Ntah apa2. Mebbie pasal dlm byk2 pompuan yg pakai dedah2 tu, aku sorang je pakai tudung :P Oh well, aku tak terasa apa pon.

Ni dalam hall tu, gambar siling.
The party was a 'mingle' party, meaning go around borak2 sambil kunyah2 minum2 enjoy music yg kuat gila sampai hampir pekak telinga aku. Mingle apanye kalau dah kuat gitu musicnye. Kami ckp sket2 je dgn matsaleh2 & other Asian Aussies mainly coz aku tak brapa paham lawak Aussie diorang ni & tak dgr. Lawak2 org korporat ni kinda lain sket dgn lawak2 yg biasa aku dgr. And aku cam terasa aura of the crowd kinda lain dp the usual crowd that aku dah biasa cam kat spital tu & kat sini.
Ada this interesting lady, she's the wife of one of the big people there, dia ialah seorang Australian Federal Police. Very friendly. I told hubby that she was friendly, and hubby replied back sambil lewa.. " Yeah, mebbie she's trying to gather info from u without u knowing it..." Errk! Hampes je hubby. Nak gurau pon, gurau la cara lain.. hish..

In terms of the food. Like alwiz, kami hanya mampu makan the seafood & vegetarian.. sotong goreng, udang goreng, quiche telur, spring roll vegie.. cam gitu la. Air pon cuma tonic drink, coke, lemonade. Tak kenyang coz they were only finger foods je. Menda cinonet yg waitresses/waiters bawak sambil semua org ckp2, joget2. Tak amik gambar coz only finger foods served by the waitresses/waiters & gelap. Oh ye, the waitresses/ waiters were very helpful, diorang offer nak buat vegetarian + seafood stuff extra utk kami. Cool.

Banyak gila org amik gambar kami berdua mlm tu. Hehhehe.. exotic couple kot. (pergghh.. perasan abis!). Tak kisah la tu, mana tau ada mana2 company nak amik aku jadi model kan :P model handbag ke, model tanam pokok ke, model supermarket ke, model keselamatan jalan raja ke, jadi la kan. Menarik sket hidup. Yg thn lepas punya offer tu, dah mmg tak jadi :P

Kami balik pon dah lambat gila, nearly midnight. Seb baik spital tak call aku coz aku sebenarnye on call for the whole day Friday. Ingat nak singgah Pancake Parlour for a light dinner, tapi masing2 dah letih gila, so balik rumah lepas mandi, solat Isyak sumer terus kong atas katil.

All in all, last night wasnt that bad. In terms of food memang tak puas coz kami takleh makan the meat stuff. In terms of the crowd, hmmm, biasa-biasa je. Aku tak peduli pon kalau diorang nak sombong2 dgn aku coz ada gak yg bercakap dgn aku. And now I know those people that my hubby works with. Some are nice, some ntah apa-apa. The place cantik. Dlm toilet lelaki & pompuan ada sediakan free getah rambut, wet tissue, candies/mint, freshener, lip balm, lotion, pin, untuk emergency. Cool kan?

Pagi ni, hubby gi city kat Vic library to do his GPM work with his buddy. It was a nice morning with bright sun (tapi sejuk). Best kalau dpt jalan2 dgn hubby around the block. Tapi takpe la.. next time.
As for me.. back to my study/ work afta this blog :P

Menghantar hubby keluar, dia dah dlm kereta..
Off he goes... (hmm.. gambar ni cam kat rural plak)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Okay, I've had macarons since last year, basically since Lindt cafe wujud di Chadstone mall. Initially aku cam so-so je coz hmmm slalunye aku tak brapa minat dgn desserts & they tasted super sweet. Like alwiz aku suka sweet stuff kalau kuih-muih tradisional & fruits je :P

Anyways, demam MasterChef Australia sejak beberapa bulan lalu. Ever since this Macaron Tower with Kalamata Olive- Beetroot Macarons & Raspberry Macarons by Adriano Zumbo (ada gaya-gaya penyangak sket2.. hehehhe.. tak caya cuba Google image mamat ni) appeared on MasterChef the other week, terasa cam berminat plak nak re-explore this confection.

What is a macaron? Well, kalau Google it & baca sana-sini, its basically a delicacy made of 2 soft shells put together with a cream,jam,butter,etc in between. Asalnye dari France or Italy beratus-ratus tahun dahulu, ikut mana u guys baca kat Google tu. Comes in many flavours & growing.

Dari segi physical: A good macaron should have shiny smooth shells that dont easily break & bukan menggerutu je or bila pegang hancus, evenly round, stick with each other nicely & the centre should be the right volume, consistency, tak rupa hangus, etc. And when u see them, terus tergerak hati nak ngap satu or more.
Apa rasa dia? A good macaron rasa dia should be like this: Soft crispy outer shells, when u reach to the centre of the shells it should be a little chewy but doesnt stick to ur teeth. The shells should just melt in ur mounth, with the flavours balancing each other once u get to the centre layer of either cream, jam, butter, etc in between the shells. Rasa dia.. waaa.. sangatlah bahagianye. Memang sedap.
(Tapi jangan gelojoh makan byk2.. risiko muah/jemu, dan juga risiko diabetes, sakit gigi, gemoks, blablablaba)

Hujung minggu lepas hubby & I went to hunt for macarons, well, mana lagi kat Lindt cafe la. We each got 7 biji each.
Last week punya.. abis hari tu jugak.
Yang tak beli cuma champagne flavour (haram!)
Today in the theatre, the ENT registrar brought in some macarons for her team. I obviously didnt have it coz I bukan her team. Tapi kitorang tetiba cakap pasal food & terkeluar topic macarons. Dia cakap la dia suka gila macarons kat Lindt cafe tu. Cool! Her intern ckp kat aku yg dia bawak macarons siang tadi. Aparently Lindt is not the only cafe that sells macarons, banyak lagi kat Melbourne ni rupanya. Bila dah sumer ckp pasal macarons.. wah, seb baik tak melimpah kuar je aku nyer air liur yg terproduced lebih sket dari awal diorang ckp pasal food. Hehehehe.. So apa lagi.. off I went to Chadstone after work. Aku mintak the salesperson kasi aku yg tak pecah-pecah hokay, coz aku perasan ada yg dah crack cam apa je.. (I expect the best, yo!).

Terbeli skali dark choc shortbread tu.. mebbie sebab beli masa lapar.
8 biji je mampu beli, lagi 2 biji (rosalia, coconut) tak muat kotak.

Abis jugak la duit aku.. tapi mak aku cakap, kalau pasal makanan tak baik kedekut, nanti kempunan.. tak elok la kan..
Hmm... semua ni in Au$. Kalau tetiap minggu beli macarons,
lama-lama botak tabung aku.
Bila tengok MasterChef itu hari, rasa cam senang je nak buat. Aku ada jumpa this macarons recipe book kat Borders some time ago.. katanya kena ada skill kalau tak, memang tak jadi. Well, sama mcm masak nasi, goreng telur mata kerbau, masak mee hoon goreng, buat karipap, etc. Semua pon kena praktis ye tak? Knowing me, well known for dessert-disaster master (ntah bila nak bijak buat desserts), I am yet to learn making these macarons.
Suatu hari nanti la kan...

Oh well, my review on these macarons will follow bila aku dah abis makan sumer :D

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Senaman around Melbourne City

Rosemary herb kat depan rumah.
Was working this a.m 'til ~1pm, Ortho/ Trauma list. Juga menandakan genap 2 minggu aku kat Anaesthetics tu. Bleh!!

Was planning to go see the Tim Burton show in the city tapi sampai rumah from work pon dah lambat, and bertolak ke city pun dah around 2pm. Kami parked kat Crown Casino & strolled down from there to the Exhibition Centre.

Along Yarra River, kat depan Crown building.
Sampai kat Exhibition Centre dah around 3+pm (tpt tu tutup kol 6pm), and line panjang gila. Nak tak nak terpaksa kensel masuk ke show tu.. ye la, takkan nak bazir AU$19 p person tapi dpt tgk for only probably 2hrs je.
Maka kami pon buang masa kat Melbourne Central area + Myer. Hubby dah bebel2 dah kata kami asik2 buang masa buat menda sama je kalau gi city. Abih tu.. dah plan pon tak betul, jadi cam gini je la.
Just before 5pm kami tiba di restoran Lazzat kat Queensberry Rd sana for dinner & Maghrib skali kat situ. Then kami menapak balik ke Crown from Lazzat, membakar lemak-lemak tepu, maklum la dah order makanan tadi dgn gamaknya.. kena la bakar balik kan. Tapi tu la, lutut aku sakit dah, yelah, campur dgn naik turun tangga theatre pagi tadi.. kena amik glucosamine la gamaknye (esok kena beli coz stock hari tu sumer dah kasi kat mak & abah).

Okay, these are the pics. Again, walaupon dah beratus-ribu agaknye gambar of Victoria state ni aku dah kumpul2 sejak 10 thn dulu, aku still nak amik lagi. Gambar-gambar dulu biarlah jadi kenangan, aku kinda malas nak post them here, nanti kena bukak balik cerita-cerita lama that I sometimes dont really want to revisit.

Bangunan Crown Tower.. hotel ni.
Jabulani pon ada kat depan Crown ni!
Menuju ke arah Flinders Street. Now kat Southgate area.
Togel dah daun-daun kat sini..
Automatic public toilet along Yarra river kat Southbank.
Where's hubby? (buat gaya cam theme song 'Where's Wally?')
Ni kat jetty kecik utk boat cruise.
Bangunan Flinders Street station from across the river.
The Eureka tower, the tallest building in Australia.
Southgate building, banyak cafes & restaurants
Under the Yarra Bridge kat Southbank/St Kilda
Pemandangan dari atas Yarra Bridge
Kereta kuda tengah parking along Swanston Street.
Untuk sewa bawak jalan2 kat city circle.
Kena lalu Queensberry St nak ke Lygon St utk ke restoran Lazzat.
Ni gambar jalan balik.
On the way back to the car at the Crown, singgah jap kat Lindt cafe on Collins Street ingat nak beli macarons (a French delicacy) tapi tutup plak. Aku cam craving something sweet + soft plak lepas makan byk gila tadi. So singgah la kejap kat kedai cupcake yg dah nak tutup.

Red Velvet cupcake. Bayar satu dapat satu lagi percuma..
sebab dia dah nak tutup. Rasa dia.. ok la, biasa-biasa je.
Seberang Flinders Street station ikut bawah tanah.
Ooooooo sapa mamat yg jalan sorang2 tu? Macho nampak..
Ada budak2 gila panjat arch tu & buat gelongsor
Along Southbank.. dah malam.
Ada pergaduhan antara budak2 mabuk kat one of the cafes.
Kesian Jabulani kena cabul oleh budak2 gila yg mabuk.
Kat luar Crown Casino.

I love driving along Princes Highway :)
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