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Monday, October 25, 2010


I’m typing this at the hospital, in the registrars’ room. Karangan bebelan di pagi2 buta yg sunyi & gelap ini.

Baru skang boleh bernafas sket. Dari start kerja until now ada je menda. Admission la, IV cannulation la, drug order la, IV fluid order la. Metcall for a silly reason; the home team didn’t document that the patient was NFR/ palliative, hence sebab dia deteriorated so kena call the code. What a waste of resources simply because of poor documentation. Rasa cam bodo je masa called the family, family dgn terangnye ckp diorang dah prepare themselves utk patient ni pass away je, & ikut professionalism doctor apa nak buat coz family tak nak patient suffer or jadi vegetable kalau kena resus. Jadinye tak perlu nak buat apa2 in terms of resuscitation. Patient tu dah memang terminal.

How did I get to this hospital tadi? Ikut peta Melway. Dah la aku misplaced my car keys, so terlambat 10minit gi kerja semata-mata nak cari kunci.
Aku dgn confidentnye telah menghafal peta (macam selalu) & drive selaju yg boleh. Bila sampai kat satu simpang tu, cam biasa la confident tapi ragu-ragu (boleh gitu?) main jaaaaalaaaan je. Skali hah.. I didn’t know where I was, the area was really dark & quiet, and I started to panic. Looking back, aku sepatutnye drive terus instead of turning right kat simpang gelap tu. Aku terus mencapai mobile fon & called hubby to sms me the hospital number. Called the hospital telling them that I’m the new resident, didn’t kno where I was coz dah sesat. Jalan2 ikut direction diorang, seb baik sampai gak kat spital ni.. lambat 1/2jam. Ye, aku dah spend 1hour on the road looking for this bloody spital. Urrghhh!!!
Dah la kena parking kat luar coz HR tak nak kasi aku parking dalam. Takpe, mlm nanti aku nak try masuk dalam guna swipe card. I think I deserve parking dalam; aku terpaksa cover this hospital plus aku bayar parking kat the main hospital & diorang tak nak ganti balik duit aku kalau aku takde kat situ. Apa ke hal kan?

Okay, berbalik to this hospital. Its dark all the way thru. Sejuk. Tak tau apsal gelap sangat corridor diorang. Aku rasa seram la jugak jalan2 satu hospital kalau kena pegi to the different wards/ ED. One thing I like about this hospital is there’s multiple elevators that are working, tak macam kat my main hospital tu, lifts nye asik rosak je dah tu kalau jalan pon slow semacam. Alih2nye naik tangga je la. Hm… mebbie itu konspirasi pihak hospital supaya org guna tangga kot, coz byk sgt org2 gemuks kat spital tu. Sabar je la…

This hospital sebenarnye takde doctors room for night docs. Bilik yg aku duduk ni adalah bilik tumpangan ihsan pihak spital buat sementara waktu. Takde bilik air, katil, watever, except satu kerusi panjang & a few computers. Ada lockers. Ada doctors room seberang jalan sana tapi tak bleh dpt pager system so susah utk emergency codes. Apa ntah.

Hospital last week ada docs room yg agak besar + tv + toilets + katil + minum2 dalamnye. Spital lagi satu, the main one, dulu ada satu resi room yg besar with many beds & toilets & showers, ada tpt makan, ruang tamu, tv, computers. Tapi bangunan tu dah kena roboh to build a new hospital building nak kasi besar the hospital (about time, duh!). So junior docs terpaksa raid the consultant rooms yg takde kemudahan toilet or katil. So kucar-kacir jugak utk night docs to base themselves coz night docs ramai. Kalau ikut peraturan, its illegal kalau takde docs room for each hospital. Kira cam docs ni dianaktirikan la. Nurses ada their own rooms/toilets/lockers, cleaners & porters pon ada gak, so apehal plak docs takde kan?

Wah, panjang plak aku membebel pagi2 buta ni. Ye la, semuanye aku main phone order je. Kalau ada hal penting baru aku pegi ke wards semua tu. Yup, I still hate the pager.

Ya Allah, hopefully the rest of the night will be peaceful for me & the patients. Amin

Aku dah dalam katil dah ni. Tadi balik patutnye amik masa 30-45minutes kot kalau tak sesat. Aku sesat lagi :'(
Apa menda laaa... rasa cam loser gila. Punya la hafal peta sebelum bertolak tadi. Tapi tu la, kereta banyak, papan tanda jalan punye la cinonet tu. Adoi..

Untuk menenangkan hati aku gi lepak kat Chaddy jap. Saja buat satu pusingan tawaf. Then baru balik. Rindu metro area setelah semalaman dok kat hutan simpanan.

Now masa utk tidooooo... (rugi betul kena tido on a beatiful day like this.. isk..)
Harap2 tonite is better & tak sesat lagi. Huhuhu.. Doakan aku people...

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