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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Konspirasi orang 'atasan' spital

Sangat menarik, hari ni ada meeting from the accreditation committee of PMCV kat spital sengal ni. Objective ialah to find out if the hospital is conducive for training for junior doctors. Sebenarnye diorang nak tanya HMO2 tapi sebab aku cover & aku HMO3, so aku pergi je la. At least aku boleh contribute utk kesenangan docs masa hadapan, coz aku tak tau if aku akan kembali ke spital sengal ni ke tak in the future. Hopefully not, but if I ever do I hope it will be better. Aku harap they have been to the mother hospital of EH, and the other secondary hospital yg aku akan pergi next week covering. Because this particular body is powerful.

Aku suggested that they actually talk to my other colleague who I know has been having such a bad time doing her rotation there, and she's an Aussie & she has the nerve to actually voice out lots. The body wanted to speak to her & asked the HR to call her. From what I know the HR did their own discussion whether to allow her to talk to this body or not. And HR kata kalau diorang rasa minah ni sesuai to talk to the PMCV people, then they will call her to come in early. My colleague has been bringing up issues memperjuangkan nasib doctors to the HR's attention and HR keeps on ignoring her. Ye la, HR slalu kalau kitorang bring up issues diorang akan marah kitorang balik (they r good at twisting their words). Boleh tu ada konspirasi tak nak dia pegi meeting tu, takut la tu kalau kuar cerita buruk pasal diorang. Teruk betul. Haha. Well, aku called my colleague tu senyap2 & let her kno about the HR dirty work tak nak kasi dia ckp dgn these important PMCV people. I'm glad she actually went to the meeting & talked to them finally coz she actually came to work early in the arvo. Heh! From what I heard from her, she sed that these PMCV people are going to have a very important talk to the HR. Aku dah give my part of opinion about this hospital & the rotation, which I told them kalau cam gini in the future I memang wont recommend it to my other colleagues at all. Some other docs yg involve in the meeting tak berapa nak ckp pasal the hospital management at all.. bunyi cam takut2 je. Ye la, mostly org2 junior & byk yg IMG.

Teruk betul kan? HR kat public hospitals sini are sooo powerful that they berani pijak doctors. Most of the things that they make us do/ provided kat hospitals slalunye 'questionable'. Banyak dah contoh aku kasi kat my previous postings. E.g. lockers, staff toilets (slalu nurses akan bising kalau kitorang guna staff toilets on the ward, even tho kat pintu tulis 'STAFF' bukan 'NURSES ONLY'!), etc. At least aku tau yg ada independent bodies yg sound promising enuf to look after us.

Ada satu patient kat CCU (Critical Care Unit) admitted coz of rapid AF (atrial fibrillation) not responding to drug cardioversion and 4x DC shocks, tapi patient is slowly getting better & for transfer tomorrow. Si nurse 'bijak' ni tak abis2 paksa kitorang do something even tho cardiologist tadi kata all these current treatment are already sufficient for now, cuma kena tunggu some responses je. Si 'bijak' ni kata based on the numbers kena treat aggressively.. duh? Berkali2 aku & another resident kata tak perlu, lagi dia melawan, sampai initially dia just nak inform us jadi gaduh2 pasal dia tak paham bahasa. Siap ada lagi satu nurse tu menyebok plak nak sokong kawan dia tu, konon2 patient akan mati kalau tak buat something. Diorang ni nak bunuh patient tu ke apa? Ok la kalau dia nak amik responsibility treat patient tu, kami boleh je balik rumah tak perlu kerja. Last2 kami terpaksa call boss kitorang about this silly thing, and NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING FOR THE TIME BEING, that finally shut their mouth up. Puas hati aku. Ntah apa2, kesian boss kami terganggu ntah2 tengah buat angiogram kat patient ke apa2 yg lebih penting dp menda2 cam gini. Seb baik boss kami baik.

Apa lagi jadi kat spital tadi? Biasa la gaduh2 dgn nurses yg berlagak mcm they know-all, lebih pandai dari consultant. Memandai2 buat menda yg even my boss tak setuju e.g. memandai organize this stoopid family meeting for a patient yg refusing treatment and nak balik rumah, tapi pasal nursing staff malas nak deal with the family diorang nak lepas tangan kasi docs deal with the issue. Tahi betul. Yg hal2 kurang ajar lain tu
toksah cakap la, kasi gua panas je beb!!.. like berebut computer dgn doctor, tak nak fax & photocopy stuff padahal tu kerja ward clerk, patient kena gigit nyamuk nak kena review, patient tak nak makan nak kena review, family meetings lebih penting dari actually treating patients, dan lain2 menda bodo. Sakit otak aku hari ni. Balik lambat hari ni coz nak settle hal2 remeh ni la.

Tu la tetiap hari we face all these things.. buang masa & mana la taknye healthcare system memang tak efficient langsung. Tak cukup docs satu, massive volume of patients satu, staff selain docs yg memang kurang pandai or berlagak-terlebih-pandai-tapi-sebenarnye-tak tu satu, funding for hospital satu, dan lain2 lagi impending issues.

Apa menda best berlaku hari ni? Makan free kat meeting tadi, lega dapat voice out our predicaments here to an appropriately doc-centered body & rasa puas kemenangan against the stoopid grp of people hari ni. Bwahahahahahha >:)

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