Again... zombiefying (ada ke such word?) myself coz will be starting nights from Monday til Thursday.
Already 5++am nak masuk 6am Sunday morning. Hubby dok busy krohkrohkroh lagi, well, not for long dear coz aku nak kejut dia solat Subuh jap lagi. Starting semalam mendung & hujan je.. a flip from panas terik berangin sejak beberapa minggu dah.
Now aku dok praktis utk nights starting tomorrow night until Thursday. Patutnye aku praktis starting tonite. But last nite pas habis arvo shift takleh tido plak & bangun lambat gila kol 1pm. Tu diaaaa! Bila bangun jadi grumpy & penat gila, kepala plak weng semacam. I HATE ARVO SHIFTS WITH PASSION! Simply coz ye la abis kerja midnite, then sampai rumah pon dah lewat. Sure tido lewatnyer. Then coz tido lewat, bgn pon lewat la & coz kerja arvo ni slalunye teruk so tak semestinye akan dapat a good night sleep aftawards. Mesti akan ada nightmares, risau itu ini about patients, spital, etc. And pastinye akan bangun lambat, cukup2 makan nak solat, lunch & get ready to go to work again. Yucks! Dah la jumpa hubby pon beberapa minit je setiap hari; time Subuh (in which I will alwiz go back to sleep) & time balik kerja (in which hubby will be asleep). At least night shift I have ample time to cook, lepak2 dgn hubby, study, etc coz masuk kerja just before midnight.
Anyways, still excited about Kuala Lumpur. Nyehnyehnyeh... balik tu terus je try. Okay la, coz aku pon bukan reti sgt mekap bagai ni. Well, praktis makes perfect yo! Hahaha. Well again.. I CANNOT wear Kuala Lumpur to work.. at least for now. Too obvious.. nanti patients ingat aku nurse plak... which will be very very insulting to me! Heheheh... I hafta figure out how to apply Kuala Lumpur so that it wont be too obvious, baru bleh pakai gi kerja.
Macam2 jadi tadi masa gi Clayton ngan hubby utk beli barang dapur.
- On the way lalu Clayton Road, ada si Cina gila ni drive from the opposite direction right into my face semata2 nak potong jalan & get into the right turning lane for the opposite direction. HARAM betul! Aku dgn my defensive driving of course la terlupa nak honk & I just automatically avoided the F* car. Seb baik lane sebelah kosong. Chit! Hubby kata, "If I were u I would hv just hit that F* car & that guy would hv never had a chance to win coz its so obvious his fault!".. huhuhu... I cannot afford to not have a car at the moment or ever.. and I definitely cannot afford to go through another accident again... not my new baby, not ever...
Well it took me a while jugak nak calm down, heading to the pasar Clayton.
- Masa kat car park Clayton. Punye la banyak orang gila kat parking rebut2 parking. Aku malas nak rebut, aku park je la kat the very corner of the parking area. Banyak betul org gila, dgn yg berhenti tengah2 jalan tak peduli dia blocking the road, dgn yg dangerous driving, etc. Benci betul la.
- Beli daging halal kat Sarawan. Hubby excited tgk the daging cukup-cukup 1.000kg kat mesen penimbang tu. Hahahaha... seperti kata penjual daging tu.. "Miracle happens.." =)
- Terserempak dgn Dr. ZF. Seronok jumpa geng kat luar sana.
- Masa hantar some of the groceries back to the car, ada la beberapa cars yg lalu lalang cari parking sambil2 ada kereta yg follow org jalan kaki back to their car so that the waiting car can get the spot. Ada satu minah malang ni tgh drive kereta baru dia la kot (a Honda Accord, black, kilat, besar gila, with very obvious license plate "AMSEXY") tgh tunggu a spot to be free at a very corner. Kesian, datang satu pakcik gila yg drive pon terhuyung-hayang dgn kereta buruk dia terus je masuk that spot. Kurang ajar betul. Minah ni plak, mebbie cam aku (masa aku zaman innocent dulu) terhenti di situ & tercengang.. then slowly berlalu la ke arah lain utk cari parking lain.
Kebetulan plak ada parking kosong sebelah kereta aku. And as I expected memang dia nak park situ pon. Afta isi barang dlm boot aku & hubby nak sambung nyopping. Hubby insisted aku tunggu, utk tengok cam mana si minah ni nak masuk spot tu dgn kereta gabak dia. Ye la, kang dilanggarnye kereta aku while kami not there.. kan ke haru. Maka berdiri la kami with our arms crossed on our chest (or tummy) dok memerhatikan dia masuk lot tu. Heheheheh.. ada la gaya2 gangster ready nak bantai org kalau she even scratched my car. Sian gak dgn minah tu, sure menggelabah. Bersungguh-sungguh dia betul2kan parking dia. Fuh.. reverse forward reverse forward akhirnye dia muat la masuk situ, and ada enuf room utk bukak pintu kereta. Berdebar-debar aku tengok dia buat sumer tu. Kira my fight or flight response dah switched on la, ready to bantai dia kalau jadi apa-apa kat kereta aku. Alhamdulillah, semuenye selamat.
- We decided to send back some more groceries to the car before going to Coles to get my Up & Go (important bekal untuk kerja). Berat sangat dah sayur sayan ni. Kebetulan plak si minah Honda tu was about to leave the parking spot. Again, hubby ajak aku usha cara dia kuar so that kalau jadi apa-apa at least we r there, so ada true witness la ni. Again kami berdiri situ with our arms crossed on our chest macam penyangak je gaya. Again si minah tu menggelabah nak kuar dp dia nyer parking space. Hahahhaha... kesian dia. Abih tu, dah kereta aku, kalau jadi apa-apa bukan minah tu yg sedih, aku jugak yg susah hati nak bunuh diri la itu ini (like what happened to poor hubby's baby- seb baik now dah good as new). Well, in the end, Alhamdulillah tak jadi apa2. And kami pon terlupa nak pegi Coles akibat seronok sangat nak jadi gangster di parking lot. Heheheheheh... takpe la, esok aku pegi.
- On the way back, banyak je org kurang ajar on the road, but aku sabar je until we got back home. Ni la jadinye bila some suburbs dah dipenuhi with migrants. Well, not to say that Aussies are baik either & migrants are all wrong. Tapi these people bila dah masuk negara orang silalah jangan jadi kurang ajar.. pleaselah respect others & the country's rules. Jangan nak bawak perangai buruk dari negara asal ke negara baru ni. Aussies tu dah memang la takleh nak diajar lagi, tapi with the appalling manners cam gini la menyebabkan Aussies akan jadi lebih racist to foreigners. Same goes to those people yg datang to Malaysia or mana-mana negara sekali pon, dari mana-mana negara. Pendek kata toloooong la hormat negara baru tu. For the sake of being a human being. Benci aku dgn orang-orang gila around me. Revolting.
- Malam masak my famous chicken curry (perasan) coz ingat nak makan dgn instant roti canai, tapi makan dgn nasi je la. And malamku dipenuhi with surfing the net sambil2 study sket2 buku pathology yg dah overdue tu. Sambil2 chat dgn H3 (kesian dia.. may everything goes well, Allah swt is with u alwiz, take care).
Now time nak kejut hubby to solat Subuh and aku plak kena berusaha nak tido.. kalau tak, haru...
talking about this... i had my own incident ..he he malu weii....nanti satu hari k lynnda citer...xxoo
=) ye ke? aiseh, u pegang which character in this story?
bila nak lepak ye?
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