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Friday, October 22, 2010

Finally its Friday

I felt sooooo angry reading this appalling notes written by the head nurse kat satu ward ni pasal me & another team member dalam a patient's folder. Despite ridiculous amount of time spent for us and the consultant explaining that we didnt want to have the family meeting, (part of the reasons would be against the patient himself wishes he doesnt want the family meeting to ever happen, palliative care team hasnt completed their assessment AND its very unfair on us to be put in a spot where we are basically needed to clean up the nurses' mess on the family), the meeting still went on.
Sakit hati aku baca notes yang written in such a way that people would question my and other doctors' professionalism. Diorang ni suka la dgn docs lelaki yg rajin melayan diorang & docs yg ikut je apa diorang cakap walaupon ntah apa-apa. Kitorang yg practice medicine ikut apa yg kami blaja kat medical school, constantly will have issues with nurses. Diorang dgn their own rigid ways, and since kami yg responsible of the patients of course want to do it the doctors' ways. Constant clash. Benci aku. And nurses memang hebat nak bully junior docs to do stuff that's unnecessary just cover their backs. And they are very good at documentation as itu yg diorang blaja in their nursing course. And the way legal system here works is in such a way that u seriously have to cover ur back first, without considering others in the team. They can be very nice to u outside, but if there's any clashes they'll team up & stab u in the back.. fush!!
My Aussie colleague who's also involved in this was going to speak to the director of the hospital and the hospital legal representatives about this constant bullying by the nursing staff. This bullying is ridiculously ridiculous and has to stop. I hope this will be fruitful, coz knowing her, aku rasa cam hospital mmg mcm malas nak layan since dia slalu bring up lotsa issues yg involve doctors ni. Tu la tadi aku join je dia kasi back up voice.

The ED boss that I worked with today was a junior consultant, baru je jadi consultant end of last year. Aku jumpa dia masa aku buat Paeds rotation.
Seronok la jumpa dgn org yg aku suka work with. I told him about me just being accepted by ACEM & now in the training. Tak disangka2 dia kasi aku these 3 thick textbooks of the primary exams, dia suruh aku photocopy or habiskan study dalam tempoh seminggu. Aduh!! Boleh ke ni.... kena la aku berusaha lebih gigih minggu ni.. Talking about ED training, tadi aku baru teringat nak fax my signed contract to the BHH HR. Seb baik! Alhamdulillah dah selamat di sana.. harap2 semua smooth je la lepas ni.

3 textbooks yg kena abiskan dlm seminggu ni.. huwaaaa!!
Hari ni last day aku kat spital songeh ni.
Bawak camera just to snap pics kawasan spital ni. Kawasan sini memang cantik & menyegarkan, sayang working environment here is not as pretty. More aku terasa sebu on staying over here in Victoria longer for my training. Sayang.. sayang... Dah la ACEM keeps on sending flyers on continuing training in Brisbane la, in Perth la, in Darwin la.. hish.. hati aku ni rasa cam ditarik2 je nak pegi... Masa aku pulangkan swipe card kat HR, HR ckp hope to see u here in the future (nak bunyi sopan la tu kot coz last day aku).. aku senyum je jawab "Maybe..", dalam hati huhuhuhuuu.. HELL NO!! Hahahahaha...

One of the old wings of this hospital.
Kat parking. Nak masuk building frm here kena turun tangga
yg kat bottom left corner dlm gambar ni.
Hospital ni terletak di kawasan FTG, very close to the Dandenong Ranges.
Thats y byk bukit-bukau & greeneries.
Checked weather forecast kat internet this morning... 29°c max today, mcm kat KL 4,5 thn dulu punye temperature. Patut la malam tadi panas semacam, rumah kami yg besar kotak mancis ni memang senang panas. Konon-konon nak datang awal sempena last day, Aku lambat lagi gi kerja pagi tadi (mcm selalu.. hehhehe), and lupa nak pasang sunscreen kat kereta. Apa daaa... Obviously the car was reaaaaally hot bila aku bukak tadi, seb baik tak melecur tangan aku bila tersentuh satu plastic bit dlm kereta tu. Seb baik jugak my steering wheel ada cover. Kat luar bangunan sedap & nyaman tapi dlm kereta ayooo panasnye. Dah panas2 tu, tambah lagi hati aku yg dah memang menggelegak sejak pagi kan, makin best la drive balik rumah, makin seronok berlumba-lumba macam those hoons tu kan. Hehehhe..
Aku akan merindui nak drive high speed on these highways lepas ni. Hospitals selepas ni semuanye jalannye slow 60-70kph je.. haaiihh...

Kesian hubby teruk hay fever dia. Aku pon letih semacam tadi tak masak dinner lagi. Kami sama2 takde selera nak makan. Akhirnye hubby makan toasts, aku makan maggie tu pon tak habis.. letih sangat... :(
Glad its Friday & tomorrow aku off, my very much needed time off. Aku dah kerja keras 7days straight & I'm drained. :( cuti cuma sehari then nights Sunday kat spital lagi sengal dp yg ni for 2wks before starting my ICU term :'(


Keratosis said...


im sitting for mrcp,
if u photostat that question i nak beli boleh?
btw im in bundoora :) if you have email i can msg you privately

A~ said...

hi there, i tak pasti kalau i ever finish photocopying the 3 books. i kerja night shifts this 2wks. kalau i jadi photocopy i will let u kno. kalau tak, hmm, takde rezeki la i nak study guna buku tu.

wats mrcp? u kat bundoora buat apa?

izahAhmad said...
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izahAhmad said...
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