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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hotel berhantu?

Malam tadi masa susah nak tido aku selak2 Yahoo! US front page. Terjumpa one of the articles tajuk 'Top 10 Haunted Hotels' in the US. Ni urlnye: http://travel.yahoo.com/p-interests-36436907

Kinda interesting to read. Aku cuma baca halfway je coz tetiba rasa seram dah pagi-pagi buta tu, dah la sejuk bukan main lagi. Pagi ni baru sambung.

Aku memang tak suka citer-citer hantu ni. Even citer yg thriller/suspense pon aku tak suka. Toksah harap aku nak gi bayar ticket movie gi tgk movies of these genres. Dapat free pon aku tak nak. Kalau kat tv ada scenes yg menakutkan ni aku akan either nyorok kat blakang hubby or tutup mata tutup telinga or mute kan tv tu. Dah selesai baru sambung tengok. Selalunye hubby akan rasa annoyed coz aku akan tanya dia byk soalan of wat happened or jalan cerita coz aku dah miss byk scenes penting. Hehehhe. Kalau baca tu, kadang2 tengok mood. Selalunye memang tak nak baca. Tapi since today is Halloween, saja-saja suka baca the stories sekadar hiburan.

Kat asrama, zaman skolah or masa zaman muda2 slalu gi camping, sure akan kuar cerita seram. Masa kecik2 dulu pon aku suka sangat baca buku cerita hantu, mostly aku pinjam from my cousins. Sanggup tu stay up nak habiskan buku-buku yg tulisannye halus sangat just to finish reading. I think until now pon aku masih ingat some of the stories. Ingat lagi tak buku cerita kanak-kanak oleh RL Stine, Fear Street, hehehe.. aku ada buku ni dulu masa zaman muda-muda. Dulu seronok la kot dengar, baca, tengok cerita. Dulu aku berani. Mungkin masa tu iman masih kuat lagi tegar. Heh!
Orang perangai hantu je kot yg aku takut.
Tak tau la sejak bila aku semakin lama semakin takleh tahan dgn citer2 seram ni, sampai all those suspense/ thriller stuff on tv pon aku tak nak tgk dah.
Aku tak nak repeat all those citer seram kat sini coz aku tak nak ada jejak2 citer tu when I look back on my blog.

Bila dah sampai Aussie ni penakut aku ni kurang la sikit. Agaknye hantu mat salleh ni tak seseram hantu M'sia kot. Ada satu peristiwa, cuti winter 2002 kot, member2 aku mostly balik M'sia. Aku tertinggal kat sini with only a few friends, and unfortunately mereka ni kaki tgk movie. Aku lagi suka jalan-jalan, jenguk internet, reading, so slalu la tak join diorang tgk movie. One night aku bermalam kat one of the houses. Kami 3 orang je. Mana ntah si lagi 2 ekor ni jumpa all 4 sequel dvds of the Japanese version The Ring. Diorang pasang the movie tu & paksa aku join. Jahat gila diorang ni. Paksa aku tengok dalam gelap tu dgn diorang & tak kasi aku cabut my glasses so that aku boleh tengok skali. Siot tul, sesak nafas aku masa tu.

Alhamdulillah takat ni takde kot aku terserempak/ mengalami peristiwa-peristiwa yg tak diingini tu. Member-member aku pernah la kot kasi tau pernah.
Aku percaya makhluk-makhluk Allah swt tu wujud, cuma aku harap aku takde rezeki nak terserempak dgn mereka2 ni. Coming from a science background, obviously aku kinda skeptical sket hal2 cam gini even tho aku memang penakut.

Contoh, hal bila tido malam2 rasa mcm org ti
ndih kita & takleh bernafas. My explanation will be chest tightnening coz of the airways spasm/constricting or cardiac arteries constricting hence kurang blood supply to the heart/chest or simply musculoskeletal spasm. All these give u similar pain in the chest coz the nerves that supply the area are the same.

Lagi satu contoh, masa aku kecik-kecik dulu I had this demam panas sangat. I remember I woke up in the middle of the night & slept right in front of the door yg membahagikan bilik aku & bilik mak&abah. I remember also I had interupted sleep coz of panas inside & during one of the many times I woke up tu I saw this whitish thing floating in the room. And obviously I was talking to that white object that I saw. Looking back, I think it might me delirium. Young kids + the very old are prone to get delirium when they are unwell, and it can be a very frightening experience.

Anyhow, aku tak kata semua kes dada ketat ni can be explained by this science fact. Science still has a bigger mystery to it, and life has a lot bigger mystery that cannot be explained by science. Semuanya kuasa Allah swt.
Aku just harap aku tak mengalami peristiwa-peristiwa seram ni ever.

Sempena Halloween ni, nak ucapkan happy Halloween pon tak pasti pada sapa coz aku tak tau sapa kawan-kawan Aussie aku yg celebrate. Aku teringin nak join kanak2 go for treat or trick & dapatkan all the munchies yg best2. Aku teringin jugak nak tengok all the beautiful pumpkin carvings on the streets. Menarik kan.

Suka aku tengok pumpkin carving ni :)
tribute to: http://www.funny-potato.com/blog/pumpkin-carving
Comel kan?
a milder version of pumpkin carving.
amik kat webbie "pumpkin carving ideas for toddlers".


Lady of Leisure said...

pasal kene tindih tu kan, i pernah kene sekali masa kene tu my mind dah bangun cuma body jer belum bangun.. kikiki.. tapi orang dok cakap kene tindih kene tindih i jadi takut.. :D

A~ said...

cerita u boleh buat filem la. :P
now kena lagi tak?

Sky8Men said...

ohoho..cte antu bez..wlaupon tkot gk..tp ske tgk sorng2 cte antu ni...bru ade feel....hihihi

A~ said...


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