Lama gila tak jengah sini. Seperti biasa alasah lapuk yg semua pon dah bosan dengar. Malas, busy with work. Hehe.
Malam ni kerja night shift sampai la Khamis malam, abis pagi Jumaat. And then on-call over the weekends. So everyone, please doakan aku tak perlu called in for the weekends, please doakan kesihatan & keselamatan all the registrars so that aku tak perlu menjengah work on the weekends. InsyaAllah. Amin.
Aku & hubby baru balik frm Adelaide pagi tadi. Penat gila. We spent 2 days there basically. Semuanye rushed & a very short time to spend in a new place. Hubby's buddy's wedding, di mana kami dapat the invitation way early this year, but I guess I never thought that I would actually go due to exams, work commitment, etc, so kami tak permah confirmed to go anyways, even though hubby mmg nak sgt pegi. And all the hotel & flight booking semuanye sangat2 last minute, aku rasa abah sure kena heart attack kalau tau this last minute kami punye kerja. Hehe.
I was working Friday night until midnight, didnt leave the hospital that early. Packed last minute. Didnt sleep that night. I think hubby pon tak cukup tido gak, dlm 2,3 jam je mlm tu. Pagi almost 5am bertolak ke airport. I felt like I was flying when I was driving to the airport, semuanye rasa keawang-awangan. Letih + tak tido mlm tu. Alhamdulillah semua selamat sampai kat airport even tho kami kena lari2 dari parking ke terminal. Lambat gila checked in, we were the last people to check in, and luckily airport punye org made it easy for us bila dah lambat2 tu. Seb baik kami bukan the last people to board the plane. Some turbulence on the plane & aku tak dpt tido.
Dr. S. picked us up frm the airport that pagi buta. Aku & hubby sangat2 appreciate their hospitality & kindness that a.m. Breakie jap & main2 with the sweet princess, Alysha, then I had the opportunity to take a very short nap kat rumah Dr. S & Dr. D. Kesian hubby tak rehat, I think dia segan kot. Hubby managed to book a rental car frm Thrifty thru the net kat rumah Dr. D. Kami rush ke tpt kereta afta lunch. Then terus checked in, tukar baju utk gi wedding. Aku pakai the only baju kebaya yg muat for the wedding (dah gemok!!!), itu pon kena unhook the kain & the zip head tinggalkan a bruise on the skin kat my waist.. hehehe. Haru.
Btw, the wedding is somewhere in the valley. Sejuks gilaaaaaaaa! Nice area & everything was beautiful. Many hours afta that, just b4 midnight baru kami drove back to the city. My first ever encounter meeting with a kangaroo on the road, dia kinda selamba je jumped in front of our car masa tgh turn bukit dari valley tu. Sebab dia tak takut kat kereta even tho kami honked, so kami pon drove slowly behind it & amik gambar. Haha. Hubby cakap dia plak yg rasa cam floating je balik dari wedding tu sampai hotel. Sampai bilik dah hampir midnight kami terus basically dead. Dah abis Saturday kami.
Pagi Sunday until late afternoon spent time with hubby's bunch of friends, kat city & kat Adelaide Hills. Balik pon rushed jugak. Packed sket2 prior going to Dr. D & Dr. S. place that early evening. Her mum made us a lovely hearty dinner nasi ayam & apple crumble. Sedap gila, sampai lupa amik gambar food. Alysha wasnt well that evening, but then she picked up & became hyper, mebbie coz of the paracetamol & some chocolate (ooppsss.. my bad! Sorry, Dr. D.). Watched some video's & photos of Alysha, main2 dengan dia sampai aku pon rasa mengah hahahha. Watched a short episode of Modern Family with them, then kol 9+pm balik ke hotel. Sedih la such a short time spent dgn Dr. D. & Dr. S. tak sempat nak buat apa2. Sampai hotel even tho still early, kami dah basically still rasa nak mati & terus tido lepas solat.
We woke up at 4am on today. Drove to the airport & dropped the car. Had quick breakie afta checked in. Aku ternap dlm 1/2hour dlm plane back to Melbourne, hubby plak blom terbang dah padam dah. Sampai Melbourne aku terus drove him to his work, & aku drove to Dandenong straight frm the city to get some halal meat & vegies (dah 2minggu tak masak betul2.. =P opps). Balik tu dah lewat sangat. Such a beautiful dah but alas I couldnt spend it properly. Had some munchies then terus padam atas katil.
There, my hectic weekends, I thought I didnt want to go coz of work/ assignments/ presentations/ etc. I'm soooo glad I made it. Very refreshing even tho semuanye rushed gila. Managed to see the people that I wanted to see for sooo long. Wish we had more time though.
Thanks Dr. D. & Dr. S & Alysha for the lovely time spent together even tho sangat2 short. Hugs. Semoga kita jumpa lagi.
Now its time to get ready to work. Next time aku tulis lagi about our trip to Adelaide, etc. Harap2 aku ok mlm ni sampai pagi coz unfortunately 2 junior docs yg in charge of the department today :(
Doakan kami selamat k. Ciao.
... nukilan seorang perantau...
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
11 Years!! And about giant garbage..

Last year masa tahun ke 10 aku kat Australia ni, aku tengah busy berpesta raya Aidilfitri kat Malaysia. Hehehhee.
Dulu masa datang masih muda remaja takde dark circles & kedutan kat muka. Haha. Dulu body masih kurus, sihat.. now dah sengal-sengal, lemak lapis-lapis sana-sini. Ahaks.
I have seen many changes dari tahun 2000 until now 2011, and macam-macam important events/ milestones either in my own development or everything around me.
Anyways, I was thinking of just nak celebrate sorang2 kat rumah since baru balik from night shift kan. Nak buat some Milo & makan keropok ke apa.
But... such a bad night shift malam tadi. Bukannye teruk sangat pon overnight. Sebagai junior reg aku dah boleh cherry-pick what patients I want to see, mostly the very sick ones lah, senang, tak yah jumpa those silly cases. But tadi actually overnight we were under control, until at around 530am. 1 category 1 72 y.o. man arrived: VF arrest, upper GI bleeding, then respiratory distress. Patient ni dah intubated before coming, dah kena zapped, now kena ionotrope supports, blood transfusion sumer. Tak stable in ED. Macam-macam. Tak sampai 1 hour after that, datang lagi sorang asystolic arrest 20 something man datang, same la category 1, intubated jugak zapped jugak, ni sebab overdose plak. Same tak stable in ED.
Kalau ikut prognosisnye seems like these 2 patients macam dah ada permanent brain damage & wont stand long coz of what it sounds like a prolonged downtime. Dua2 patient dah showed fixed dilated pupils with no neuro response at all on examinations. So I guess at this stage ICU role is to look after each organ individually & taking it hour by hour lah. Tak tau la brapa lama 2 org ni akan bertahan di dunia yg fana ini.
Macam-macam issues, machine tak berapa working, understaff, on call consultant plak tak datang, seb baik 2 senior registrars that morning datang awal straight away helped us with these 2 patients.
Record overnight 4 category 1 patients datang. And we sorta ketinggalan bila these 2 very sick patients datang.
Nak dijadikan cerita. Aku sampai rumah pagi tu around 11 am. Ingat boleh la terus padam kat dalam katil. Tapi lori pemusnah barangan rumah & white goods had to scout around our area this time. I thought kami dapat memo about this it was supposed to be last weekend. Agaknye coz byk gila barang orang2 kaya Melbourne ni nak buang maka kena buat berkali-kali la kot. Kami takde buang apa2 coz memang semua barang guna since aku mula2 sampai sini, ada sket2 dah kasi orang. Kami boleh dikategorikan sebagai miskin la jugak. Ehehehe.
Sila click utk tengok sampah-sampah ni
Sabarje la hubby kata ntah2 next turn my white car plak lori tu akan angkut coz diorang sure confuse mana satu white goods yg nak kena buang. Hampeh!!
Aku intai-intai gak thru my window cam mana agaknye diorang angkut menda2 gabak tu. Canggih la jugak lori dia terus hancurkan barang2 tu. Masih banyak lagi electrical stuff kat luar. Aku rasa dioang hapuskan perabots dulu then kemudian the white goods.
Mintak2 la cepat sket diorang clearkan barang2 ni. Tak sanggup aku dah nak lalu setiap hari tengok longgok2 barang sekeliling kawasan perumahan ni. Hmmm... talking about how much sampai setiap manusia di muka bumi ni hasilkan & pencemaran alam.. kesian bumi kita...
Okay ciao, time to get to work.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Fathers' Day Hamper
Last week on the day nak hantar my family ke airport tu, aku dapat satu panggilan dari nombor ntah sapa. Sebenarnye dari hari sebelum tu lagi tapi aku dok ignore the phone call. Biasa la nak mengelak dari telemarketing ntah apa2 tu. But nombor tu cam persistent plak sampai the next day, so aku pon angkat la.
"Hello, is that XXXX?"
Aku pon "Yes, speaking."
Dia, "I'm calling from Dandenong Market, and congratulations you have won the Fathers Day hamper competition we held recently."
Aku plak, "blablablablabla..." ayat yg penuh terharu.. hehehhehe..
Tapi dia kata dia takleh kasi hari Sabtu, hamper will be ready the week after, which is this week la. So aku cakap aku akan datang pagi Jumaat, iaitu hari ni. Dia siap cakap, "Please apologize to your dad that the hamper didnt get to be there on Fathers' Day."
Ye lah, Fathers' Day kat Australia ni adalah first Sunday of September, which was last Sunday, sehari selepas family aku dah berlepas balik ke-Malaysia. While most other countries Fathers' Day in June kan.
So ni lah dia Fathers' Day hamper yg aku menang frm Dandenong Market tempoh hari. Amik tengah hari tadi. Tak sempat nak share dgn abah.

Siap ada shiraz & judi tattslotto lagi tu dalam sampul tulis Happy Fathers Day. Tak pasti la nak kasi sapa menda2 ni. Skali aku kasi judi ticket tu kat sapa2 & dia menang sure aku jeles punye.. Hahaha.
Erk... dilemma.. patut buang or kasi orang 2 menda harrrrem nih..
Anyways, walaupon dah lambat, HAPPY FATHERS' DAY to all fathers in the world. Setiap hari pon Fathers' Day, coz setiap country celebrate lain-lain date. I love my abah everyday regardless.
"Hello, is that XXXX?"
Aku pon "Yes, speaking."
Dia, "I'm calling from Dandenong Market, and congratulations you have won the Fathers Day hamper competition we held recently."
Aku plak, "blablablablabla..." ayat yg penuh terharu.. hehehhehe..
Tapi dia kata dia takleh kasi hari Sabtu, hamper will be ready the week after, which is this week la. So aku cakap aku akan datang pagi Jumaat, iaitu hari ni. Dia siap cakap, "Please apologize to your dad that the hamper didnt get to be there on Fathers' Day."
Ye lah, Fathers' Day kat Australia ni adalah first Sunday of September, which was last Sunday, sehari selepas family aku dah berlepas balik ke-Malaysia. While most other countries Fathers' Day in June kan.
So ni lah dia Fathers' Day hamper yg aku menang frm Dandenong Market tempoh hari. Amik tengah hari tadi. Tak sempat nak share dgn abah.
Erk... dilemma.. patut buang or kasi orang 2 menda harrrrem nih..
Anyways, walaupon dah lambat, HAPPY FATHERS' DAY to all fathers in the world. Setiap hari pon Fathers' Day, coz setiap country celebrate lain-lain date. I love my abah everyday regardless.
Salam Aidilfitri 1432H & Selamat Hari Kebangsaan ke-54
Saya minta maaf zahir & batin lambat mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1432H & Selamat Menyambut Hari Merdeka ke-54 kepada semua warga muslimin & muslimat, serta semua rakyat Malaysia.
Been busy with work & also gumbira melayan family aku beraya kat Melbourne ni, Alhamdulillah.
Semoga kita semua diberkatiNYA.
Terimalah gambar yg kucilok dari Google sempena sambutan ini.

I will start my night shift tonight until Sunday night abis pagi Monday. Will be super busy until next August 2012 I think coz of exams & pelbagai lagi training assessments kena selesaikan, especially for the next 6 months.
Will try to update blog nan hado ni bila ada masa =P
Doakan kejayaan kita bersamaaa.... muahs to all =P
Okay, now nak gi tido. ZZZzzZzZzzz...
Been busy with work & also gumbira melayan family aku beraya kat Melbourne ni, Alhamdulillah.
Semoga kita semua diberkatiNYA.
Terimalah gambar yg kucilok dari Google sempena sambutan ini.

Will try to update blog nan hado ni bila ada masa =P
Doakan kejayaan kita bersamaaa.... muahs to all =P
Okay, now nak gi tido. ZZZzzZzZzzz...
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