Assalamualaikum semua, I'm at the Changi Airport waiting for transit flight to KL. It'll be soonish. Kebetulan plak ada perkhidmatan internet percuma kat merata2 sini. Best gila.
Byk gila brg yg aku terasa nak beli kat transit lounge ni. Bukan pasal murah. Tapi pasal the fact that now aku dah kerja & ada that 'plastic' card. Hehehehhehe. Didnt buy any tho, seb baik fikiran masih waras di saat-saat terakhir Ramadhan ini. Plus takde kudrat dah nak angkut hand luggage, even tho yg aku bawak ni takde la berat mana. (Aku pasti setan2 di seberang sana sedang melonjak kegembiraan.. tak lama lagi mereka merdeka... AllahuAkbar!)
Anyways, tadi dlm flight tak de byk songeh sgt. The entertainment unit kat tpt duduk aku tak berguna so SIA kasi compensation voucher US$50 utk blanja Kris Flyer shop. Hehehhehe.. aku ada la beli brg sket nak kasi kat sedara mara sana, tapi guna that 'plastic' card. On the way back to Melb nanti aku memborong plak.
Huhuhuhu.. tak sabar nak jumpa family & hubby di sanaaaaaaa.. hoooraaaaaayyyy!! Akan ku pasang lagu2 raya... rinduuuu... (baru perasan thn ni aku tak pasang lagu raya satu pon... coz my new comp takde lagu langsung!)
Apa-apa pun, saya di sini mengucapkan selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1430H, starting tomorrow, insyaAllah. Minta maaf zahir dan batin. Semoga tahun-tahun akan datang lebih baik dp tahun-tahun sebelumnye utk semua. Take care lots. Jumpa lagi bila aku ada masa nak bertenggek di computer nanti.
... nukilan seorang perantau...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Salam-salam Aidilfitri... soon =)
Sudah 20 hari kita semua berpuasa. Alhamdulillah. Lagi 10 hari, including today, to go until Hari Raya. Lagi 9 hari aku & hubby akan berpuasa di bumi Melbourne ini before kami balik M'sia, InsyaAllah.
Ini juga bermakna sudah 20 hari aku menternak lebihan lemak dan muscles (harap-harapnye) semenjak start bulan puasa ni. I suddenly felt like weighing myself just now because when I got changed before going out earlier suddenly the whole outfit felt ketat!! I noticed my outfit was ketat already yesterday before going to the tutorial, but I thot it was becoz I hadnt gone to the toilet for 2 days.. so naturally buncit la kan. Hahhahaha. And now I remember, most of my outfit dah terasa ketat since last week lagi. Looking at the weighing scale, I realized that I actually have put on a scary 5kg since 20 days back! Huh! I know becoz just before puasa I weighed myself just for fun & that wasnt the number that I saw when I weighed myself again just now. Darn!
The weighing scale is not my best friend since forever, the machine is just there coz senang nak timbang my baggage before flight travelling. Hmmm.. no wonder la I thot my back terasa cam ada 'muscles' je along my spine, padahal jarang gila exercise. Plus, tak tau apsal tetiba pipi nampak cam tembam sket.. I thot coz cukup tido tu la muka nampak full & tak pucat. Then, tetiba teringat hari tu hubby kata I ada double-chin.. and I quickly sed coz I was looking at him tying his shoelaces tu la pasal nampak cam double-chin. Pandang ke arah bawah la katakan. Cheh! And I also noticed that my leher cam menggelebeh je, thot coz I dah tua so kulit cam ala-ala sagging gitu. (Aku ni takde la rajin membelek2 satu badan tengok mana dah naik, mana dah rosak.. unless kalau jerawat.. which is my big NO!... other than 'aging') Salah sangkaanku!
I dunno why I sooo gatal2 updated my status on FB about this.. mebbie coz terkezut tgk nombor yg banyak itu kot. Anyways, when I got back from Chaddy, there were many comments about the controversial status.. mostly thought that there was a bun in the oven!
Okay, okay.. understandably coz our marriage is nearly reaching 2 years & I'm not that young anymore, plus many friends just bersalin. So I think semua orang pun clucky, more than both of me & hubby. Hehehhehee...
Well, I'm not that clucky. While I do want to have my own child one day, I kinda not ready yet, oh well, I dont know if I'm ready yet. Coz, if I say I'm not.. I'm kinda ready. If I say I am.. I feel like I'm not.
Let me set this straight. I'm well known to gain weight during bulan puasa more than any other ordinary months. Except if I'm in Malaysia lah kan. Well, at least this is known to me & those close to me. I think there's a few reasons though.
Pertama skali... coz aku ni ada fear of being hungry & not able to function without food... ye la, takut migraine. Selalu kat tpt kerja I'm femes coz slalu makan time kerja.. mostly junks la like chocs & chips. Now bulan puasa mana bleh buat cam tu kalau kerja siang. Therefore during time sahur I will try to eat a well balanced diet with lotsa protein to keep me feel full. First few days tu still lapar tapi lama2 dah biasa. Especially now dah kerja balik, not like last year.. membuta time siang & berjaga time malam.
Kedua... time buka puasa, aku akan makan tak ingat dunia, konon-konon ganti time tak dapat makan siang tadi. Still its a full size meal if to compare with my non-bulan puasa meal which is usually a quater of what hubby usually eats. Hari tu kat spital, bila time buka puasa je aku dgn buruknyer gi melantak ice-cream, chips, chocolates, soda, blablabla dgn lahapnye.. sampai org sekeliling kata aku ni buruk lantak! (Dalam english la kan).
Ketiganye... the food that I eat during both sahur & buka are mostly well-balanced diet.. meaning proper meal, rather than junks like I usually eat otherwise. Alhamdulillah, makanan yg elok2 di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini. Hahahhah. So mebbie nutrients tu absorbed well, rather than jadi taik je kan.
Keempat... Sometimes sebelum tido aku ter-makan some junks or sometimes high calorie food.. ye la, just in case tak bangun sahur. Time ni la nak menjamah balik all the snacks that tak dpt makan time siang2 coz puasa.
Kelima... Aku tak pernah miss sahur lagi setakat ni. Kalau terjaga lambat tinggal 10 minit lagi nak imsak pun aku bleh lagi dgn sepenuh tenaganye melantak. Takut lapar la katakan. Hahaha.. so imagine all the input since sahur, buka & moreh/ supper.
Keenamnye... Minimal output coz my work pun mostly nights & arvo shifts, therefore siang mostly membuta. Nak exercise malas. (Haaaiiii... rugi sungguh my bulan Ramadhan ni...)
Ketujuh... ntah apsal selera makan aku naik gila babas sejak bulan puasa ni. I think because perut kosong during day time so bila time buka puasa & time berjaga tgh malam tu, pulun abis-abisan.. konon-konon menghargai time makan. Heh! Hmm... seb baik takde pasar Ramadhan setiap hari kat Melbourne ni... huhuhu.. kalau tak...
There banyak sungguh alasan apsal gemuks. Patutnye aku ni jaga-jaga la sket badan nak raya. Ye la, orang lain punya la semangat nak get toned up time puasa menjelang raya ni. Aku lak sebaliknye.. ni semua pasal my fear of hunger. Nafsu.. nafsu.. haaaiii.. harap-harapnye dapat la aku muat baju-baju raya kat rumah tu, even tho baju-baju lama je.. tapi tension la kalau tak muat.. actually lagi tension kalau tak muat baju-baju kerja! Nampaknye aku kena gi beli belly belt la ni even tho belum masanye. Tapi apa nak buat kalau most of my favourite jeans/ pants even tak muat the thighs & bum? Seksanye fikiran ku...
Well, I dont even kno if I'm preggy or not. I havent even tested anything yet. And tak brapa pay attention to my menstrual cycles. Nantilah.. bila terasa nak check nanti, aku akan buat jugak. Its still too early. As for now, I want to enjoy my indulgence first, even though tak brapa bagus. The weighing scale will stay there di celah2 dapur sana like usual, still wont be my best friend... until I feel like jumping on it again next time.. which is I think the time when I feel comfy again in my work clothes.. entah bila la tu.. hahaha...
Selamat berpuasa & enjoy the rest of Ramadhan =)
Ini juga bermakna sudah 20 hari aku menternak lebihan lemak dan muscles (harap-harapnye) semenjak start bulan puasa ni. I suddenly felt like weighing myself just now because when I got changed before going out earlier suddenly the whole outfit felt ketat!! I noticed my outfit was ketat already yesterday before going to the tutorial, but I thot it was becoz I hadnt gone to the toilet for 2 days.. so naturally buncit la kan. Hahhahaha. And now I remember, most of my outfit dah terasa ketat since last week lagi. Looking at the weighing scale, I realized that I actually have put on a scary 5kg since 20 days back! Huh! I know becoz just before puasa I weighed myself just for fun & that wasnt the number that I saw when I weighed myself again just now. Darn!
The weighing scale is not my best friend since forever, the machine is just there coz senang nak timbang my baggage before flight travelling. Hmmm.. no wonder la I thot my back terasa cam ada 'muscles' je along my spine, padahal jarang gila exercise. Plus, tak tau apsal tetiba pipi nampak cam tembam sket.. I thot coz cukup tido tu la muka nampak full & tak pucat. Then, tetiba teringat hari tu hubby kata I ada double-chin.. and I quickly sed coz I was looking at him tying his shoelaces tu la pasal nampak cam double-chin. Pandang ke arah bawah la katakan. Cheh! And I also noticed that my leher cam menggelebeh je, thot coz I dah tua so kulit cam ala-ala sagging gitu. (Aku ni takde la rajin membelek2 satu badan tengok mana dah naik, mana dah rosak.. unless kalau jerawat.. which is my big NO!... other than 'aging') Salah sangkaanku!
I dunno why I sooo gatal2 updated my status on FB about this.. mebbie coz terkezut tgk nombor yg banyak itu kot. Anyways, when I got back from Chaddy, there were many comments about the controversial status.. mostly thought that there was a bun in the oven!
Okay, okay.. understandably coz our marriage is nearly reaching 2 years & I'm not that young anymore, plus many friends just bersalin. So I think semua orang pun clucky, more than both of me & hubby. Hehehhehee...
Well, I'm not that clucky. While I do want to have my own child one day, I kinda not ready yet, oh well, I dont know if I'm ready yet. Coz, if I say I'm not.. I'm kinda ready. If I say I am.. I feel like I'm not.
Let me set this straight. I'm well known to gain weight during bulan puasa more than any other ordinary months. Except if I'm in Malaysia lah kan. Well, at least this is known to me & those close to me. I think there's a few reasons though.
Pertama skali... coz aku ni ada fear of being hungry & not able to function without food... ye la, takut migraine. Selalu kat tpt kerja I'm femes coz slalu makan time kerja.. mostly junks la like chocs & chips. Now bulan puasa mana bleh buat cam tu kalau kerja siang. Therefore during time sahur I will try to eat a well balanced diet with lotsa protein to keep me feel full. First few days tu still lapar tapi lama2 dah biasa. Especially now dah kerja balik, not like last year.. membuta time siang & berjaga time malam.
Kedua... time buka puasa, aku akan makan tak ingat dunia, konon-konon ganti time tak dapat makan siang tadi. Still its a full size meal if to compare with my non-bulan puasa meal which is usually a quater of what hubby usually eats. Hari tu kat spital, bila time buka puasa je aku dgn buruknyer gi melantak ice-cream, chips, chocolates, soda, blablabla dgn lahapnye.. sampai org sekeliling kata aku ni buruk lantak! (Dalam english la kan).
Ketiganye... the food that I eat during both sahur & buka are mostly well-balanced diet.. meaning proper meal, rather than junks like I usually eat otherwise. Alhamdulillah, makanan yg elok2 di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini. Hahahhah. So mebbie nutrients tu absorbed well, rather than jadi taik je kan.
Keempat... Sometimes sebelum tido aku ter-makan some junks or sometimes high calorie food.. ye la, just in case tak bangun sahur. Time ni la nak menjamah balik all the snacks that tak dpt makan time siang2 coz puasa.
Kelima... Aku tak pernah miss sahur lagi setakat ni. Kalau terjaga lambat tinggal 10 minit lagi nak imsak pun aku bleh lagi dgn sepenuh tenaganye melantak. Takut lapar la katakan. Hahaha.. so imagine all the input since sahur, buka & moreh/ supper.
Keenamnye... Minimal output coz my work pun mostly nights & arvo shifts, therefore siang mostly membuta. Nak exercise malas. (Haaaiiii... rugi sungguh my bulan Ramadhan ni...)
Ketujuh... ntah apsal selera makan aku naik gila babas sejak bulan puasa ni. I think because perut kosong during day time so bila time buka puasa & time berjaga tgh malam tu, pulun abis-abisan.. konon-konon menghargai time makan. Heh! Hmm... seb baik takde pasar Ramadhan setiap hari kat Melbourne ni... huhuhu.. kalau tak...
There banyak sungguh alasan apsal gemuks. Patutnye aku ni jaga-jaga la sket badan nak raya. Ye la, orang lain punya la semangat nak get toned up time puasa menjelang raya ni. Aku lak sebaliknye.. ni semua pasal my fear of hunger. Nafsu.. nafsu.. haaaiii.. harap-harapnye dapat la aku muat baju-baju raya kat rumah tu, even tho baju-baju lama je.. tapi tension la kalau tak muat.. actually lagi tension kalau tak muat baju-baju kerja! Nampaknye aku kena gi beli belly belt la ni even tho belum masanye. Tapi apa nak buat kalau most of my favourite jeans/ pants even tak muat the thighs & bum? Seksanye fikiran ku...
Well, I dont even kno if I'm preggy or not. I havent even tested anything yet. And tak brapa pay attention to my menstrual cycles. Nantilah.. bila terasa nak check nanti, aku akan buat jugak. Its still too early. As for now, I want to enjoy my indulgence first, even though tak brapa bagus. The weighing scale will stay there di celah2 dapur sana like usual, still wont be my best friend... until I feel like jumping on it again next time.. which is I think the time when I feel comfy again in my work clothes.. entah bila la tu.. hahaha...
Selamat berpuasa & enjoy the rest of Ramadhan =)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Tag from Lybeau.. thanks =)
Thanks to Ly for the tag. Kalau ada lagi bleh la saya buat. hehehhee.. see u soon.
1. Anda rasa anda hot?
- Saya memang hot! hahahahahahhaah... sunshine girl la katakan. Dulu 'mentos' girl. Ahaks.
1. Anda rasa anda hot?
- Saya memang hot! hahahahahahhaah... sunshine girl la katakan. Dulu 'mentos' girl. Ahaks.
3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ini?
- Sebab saya sukakan laut & alam semulajadi. Love it! This one's taken during our recent 2nd honeymoon in PD. The ones kat Tioman Island, during our 1st honeymoon, byk sgt yg terlalu cun, so pilih yg ni je.
- Sebab saya sukakan laut & alam semulajadi. Love it! This one's taken during our recent 2nd honeymoon in PD. The ones kat Tioman Island, during our 1st honeymoon, byk sgt yg terlalu cun, so pilih yg ni je.
4. Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza??
- Kelmarin, hubby tapau from Ly's buka puasa. Thanks Ly. Sedap. I makan buka puasa kat spital.
5. Lagu terakhir anda dengar??
- Into The Sun by Lifehouse
5. Lagu terakhir anda dengar??
- Into The Sun by Lifehouse
6. Apakah yang anda buat sambil selesaikan tag ini??
- Baca cerpen kat blog Penulisan tu. Best. Sambil2 lipat kain yg melambak2 tu.
7. Selain dari nama anda sendiri, anda suka di panggil??
- Your Highness! Hahhahahahaha takde la joking. Just call me by my name (utk org2 yg selain dp family)
8. Tag lagi 6 orang dengan senang hati..hehehehe
Takde ramai sgt nak tag coz blog ni not for many ppl to read.
1. TTM
2. Dr. D
3. Che Det.. boleh? ;)
4. Am
5. Adikku H3
6. Ahmad Fairuz
*** siapa no1 kepada anda??
1. TTM
2. Dr. D
3. Che Det.. boleh? ;)
4. Am
5. Adikku H3
6. Ahmad Fairuz
*** siapa no1 kepada anda??
My buddy's cousin's wife. A lucky lady that makes everyone feels lucky to have her in their lives. I tau dia tak buat lagi tag ni ;) heheheheheheh.
***bagaimana pula no3??
Yang sangat berhormat PM M'sia ke-4. He is amazing. Malaysia was once lucky to have him as our great leader. Semoga Allah swt memberkati kami semua. Amiin.
**pendapat anda pada angka 4?
;) The greates man in the world, after my dad. Tak tau la dia nak buat ke tak.
***kata sesuatu tentang orang no 2??
=D mak buyung yg dah tak brapa buyung kot. Mebbie dia masih penat. Takpe, bila2. Take care dude.
***kata sesuattu tentang orang no 6??
Am's buddy. Cant say much coz dont really kno him much, but I kno he's a good person by heart, kalau tak cam mana Am bleh kawan dgn dia kan? Ni pon tak tau la kalau dia nak buat ke tak. hahahah.. saja je tag.
*** kata sesuattu tentang orang no 5??
Adik aku yg bertuah sorang ni. Enuf sed. Tak tau la dia nak buat ke tak. Tak tau la dia even baca my blog or not. Hahahahahha.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Day 15th Ramadhan 1430H
Hari ini hari yg ke-15 kita semua berpuasa. Aku baru abis solat Subuh. Tgh get ready nak tido balik. Jap lagi kerja start kol 2pm abis kol 12am. Sama dgn esok & Monday. Then cuti beberapa hari, pas tu kerja malam for the weekends. Ok la tu, kalau night shifts kerja start kol 11pm, so ptg tu akan sempat kuar makan ke, masak utk buka ke. And boleh makan sambil kerja, until sahur.
Malam ni plak ada buka puasa kat rumah Ly. Aku tak dpt pergi coz of work, but hubby will represent me =( Dah la last week tak dpt join. Same with this week.
My youngest brother's UPSR starts Monday. I really hope that he's prepared enough to get excellent results. Hopefully he goes throught the exams very well. Amiin. InsyaAllah.
Hmmm... apa-apa pun terasa aman je di bulan puasa yg indah ni. Alhamdulillah. Semoga all of us stay strong to face the rest of Ramadhan. InsyaAllah. Sejuks & nyaman. Sedap kalau berselubung dllm katil until tengah hari =)
Malam ni plak ada buka puasa kat rumah Ly. Aku tak dpt pergi coz of work, but hubby will represent me =( Dah la last week tak dpt join. Same with this week.
My youngest brother's UPSR starts Monday. I really hope that he's prepared enough to get excellent results. Hopefully he goes throught the exams very well. Amiin. InsyaAllah.
This is the full moon that I could see from my kitchen window.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Salam bahagia =) 2wks & a bit more
Alhamdulillah, hari ni dah masuk hari ke-14 umat Islam di bumi Melbourne (and most of the others around the world termasuklah bumi asalku Malaysia). Alhamdulillah hari-hari berpuasa go on without much challenges. As for me, the reborn me (hehheheh) terasa lebih tenang & bahagia, ala-ala perjalanan mencari diri sendiri & kehidupan, chewah. Jiwa pon aman je, tak bergelora & sesak like alwiz.
Lotsa things happened in the past week since I last left my trail here:
- My buddy, Dr D, telah selamat melahirkan sorang bayi perempuan yg sangat comel (blom tengok lagi, but I'm sure she is) pada pagi Sabtu lepas. Kiranye hari ni ialah day 7 for baby A. Congratulations to both parents, Dr D & Dr S, and also for the whole family, for the arrival of the little precious baby A. To baby A, welcome to world. Your arrival has very much brightened the world of ur parents & the world even more.
- Dr MJ's birthday was on the same day, last Saturday. Simple but joyful celebration in the city with some friends as well. Happy 27th, Dr MJ. Di malam yg sama ada buka puasa di rumah Mr I & majlis harijadi Dr NY. Tak dpt pergilah coz dah gi dinner dgn Dr MJ.
- Hari Merdeka yg ke-52 buat negaraku Malaysia. I'm sure my family, especially my abah, dah kibarkan bendera Jalur Gemilang weeks ago at home. Patriotiknye family aku ni. Biar apa pun perkara buruk yang dikata orang dari dalam atau luar negara, Malaysia tetap tanahairku yg tercinta. Aku akan tetap kembali ke Malaysia for good satu hari nanti. And aku bangga jadi rakyat Malaysia, wont ever give up my citizenship. 1Malaysia =)
- Bought the ticket for raya for both of us. Unfortunately we wont be travelling together as well coz tak cukup seat & hubby kena balik semula ke Melbourne lepas seminggu raya coz ada kerja. While me, dpt cuti 3 minggu, lepas berhempas pulas men'swap' shifts dgn rakan sekerja. Ada ke patut aku apply cuti sabtu tu, diorang dgn bangangnye bubuh aku kerja that sabtu then kerja sehari hari isnin lepas balik sini pas tu cuti berhari2. Bodo.
- Kejadian both of a colleague & I got yelled at on the fon by a bitchy & rude oncology reg on-call, on separate occasions masa kerja this week. Bodo nyer orang, macam dia bagus sgt je. Mentang2 la darjat tinggi sket je dp kitorang.
- Made some laksa Kedah last night coz teringin. Aku rasa sedap sket dp yg sebelum ni aku buat. Ye la, pratice makes perfect kan. Even tho kurang perfect lagi tu, tak kisahlah, asalkan sedap di mulut & perut kami. Nyuuumm. Last week made some ketupat segera, masak lodeh, kuah kacang & serunding udang. Teruja coz jumpa ketupat segera Nona kat BH Centro last week. Serunding udang je yg tinggal coz memang masak byk utk masa2 terdesak takde lauk. Sedapz gila.
- Had my morning walk yesterday after doing some weeding kat backyard for my beloved pokok2 sayur. Menyegarkan. Spring is beautiful. The flowers start to bloom, nyanyian indah burung2 pagi & petang, butterflies berterbangan (also bees & other uninvited insects), udara yg nyaman dan matahari yg memancar indah. Bahagia sungguh.

Pencawang letrik yg indah seberang jalan nun.

Pokok 'sakura' ni last week, still hampir togel lagi.
This week dah tumbuh bunga putih. Cantik!

Jambatan sama yg menyeberangi M1.

Penuh gila M1 heading into the city...
actually selalu lagi penuh dp ni in & out

Another walking trail I discovered that morning.
Klik sini.. nampak tak menda terbang tu?

Apa-apa pun nampak cantik with the soft sunlight shining on them
... including this pokok.

Eh.. ada pokok cactus gak? Besar plak tu.

Jalan ni banyak bunga.. lebah2 pon banyak. Yikes!

Ni antara pokok2 yg masih togel,
tapi biji2nye sedang bercambah.

Pokok 'sakura', version white flowers.

Penuhnye M1.. merangkak2 nak gi kerja.

- My cravings for chocolates made my buy lotsa chocs from K-Mart. 3 tubs of M&Ms peanut, M&Ms plain choc & Maltesers (1 each la), dan some more bags of chocolates. Gila. I always have cravings since forever, and this time untuk ke sekian kalinye ialah chocolates... and ice cream. Dalam freezer ada 2 tubs besar icecream. Oh ye, bought another cookie cake from Mrs Fields again (kali ke-4 untuk tahun ni).. Yeeaaahhhaaaaaa.. best gila.
- Went to see Up 3D last night with dear hubby. Best gila, menyentuh perasaan. Tak rugi aku bazirkan sikit more than the already mahal regular tix last night. Walaupon aku ada gak tertido for a few minutes in there (mebbie coz byk sgt carbon dioxide emission coz penuh gila manusia dlm tu) tapi aku still suka the movie. Recommended.
There. Perjalanan minggu ini yg penuh dgn adventure & fun. Til then. Selamat menyambung puasa di bulan Ramadhan ini & selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri (tak sabarnye nak raya dgn family thn ni... this time raya will be complete, insyaAllah).
Lotsa things happened in the past week since I last left my trail here:
- My buddy, Dr D, telah selamat melahirkan sorang bayi perempuan yg sangat comel (blom tengok lagi, but I'm sure she is) pada pagi Sabtu lepas. Kiranye hari ni ialah day 7 for baby A. Congratulations to both parents, Dr D & Dr S, and also for the whole family, for the arrival of the little precious baby A. To baby A, welcome to world. Your arrival has very much brightened the world of ur parents & the world even more.
- Dr MJ's birthday was on the same day, last Saturday. Simple but joyful celebration in the city with some friends as well. Happy 27th, Dr MJ. Di malam yg sama ada buka puasa di rumah Mr I & majlis harijadi Dr NY. Tak dpt pergilah coz dah gi dinner dgn Dr MJ.
Melepak buang masa kat Melb Central & Myer
sementara tunggu time dinner Dr MJ.
sementara tunggu time dinner Dr MJ.
- Hari Merdeka yg ke-52 buat negaraku Malaysia. I'm sure my family, especially my abah, dah kibarkan bendera Jalur Gemilang weeks ago at home. Patriotiknye family aku ni. Biar apa pun perkara buruk yang dikata orang dari dalam atau luar negara, Malaysia tetap tanahairku yg tercinta. Aku akan tetap kembali ke Malaysia for good satu hari nanti. And aku bangga jadi rakyat Malaysia, wont ever give up my citizenship. 1Malaysia =)
- Bought the ticket for raya for both of us. Unfortunately we wont be travelling together as well coz tak cukup seat & hubby kena balik semula ke Melbourne lepas seminggu raya coz ada kerja. While me, dpt cuti 3 minggu, lepas berhempas pulas men'swap' shifts dgn rakan sekerja. Ada ke patut aku apply cuti sabtu tu, diorang dgn bangangnye bubuh aku kerja that sabtu then kerja sehari hari isnin lepas balik sini pas tu cuti berhari2. Bodo.
- Kejadian both of a colleague & I got yelled at on the fon by a bitchy & rude oncology reg on-call, on separate occasions masa kerja this week. Bodo nyer orang, macam dia bagus sgt je. Mentang2 la darjat tinggi sket je dp kitorang.
- Made some laksa Kedah last night coz teringin. Aku rasa sedap sket dp yg sebelum ni aku buat. Ye la, pratice makes perfect kan. Even tho kurang perfect lagi tu, tak kisahlah, asalkan sedap di mulut & perut kami. Nyuuumm. Last week made some ketupat segera, masak lodeh, kuah kacang & serunding udang. Teruja coz jumpa ketupat segera Nona kat BH Centro last week. Serunding udang je yg tinggal coz memang masak byk utk masa2 terdesak takde lauk. Sedapz gila.
This is the serunding udang kering.
Resepi Mat Gebu & combination of majalah resepi Raya lama.
Resepi Mat Gebu & combination of majalah resepi Raya lama.
- Had my morning walk yesterday after doing some weeding kat backyard for my beloved pokok2 sayur. Menyegarkan. Spring is beautiful. The flowers start to bloom, nyanyian indah burung2 pagi & petang, butterflies berterbangan (also bees & other uninvited insects), udara yg nyaman dan matahari yg memancar indah. Bahagia sungguh.
Pokok bunga ala-ala sakura depan rumah.
Pink flower version.
Pink flower version.
Pencawang letrik yg indah seberang jalan nun.
Pokok 'sakura' ni last week, still hampir togel lagi.
This week dah tumbuh bunga putih. Cantik!
Jambatan sama yg menyeberangi M1.
Penuh gila M1 heading into the city...
actually selalu lagi penuh dp ni in & out
Another walking trail I discovered that morning.
Klik sini.. nampak tak menda terbang tu?
Apa-apa pun nampak cantik with the soft sunlight shining on them
... including this pokok.
Eh.. ada pokok cactus gak? Besar plak tu.
Jalan ni banyak bunga.. lebah2 pon banyak. Yikes!
Ni antara pokok2 yg masih togel,
tapi biji2nye sedang bercambah.
Pokok 'sakura', version white flowers.
Penuhnye M1.. merangkak2 nak gi kerja.
The Choc Lover, single layer cookie cake.
- Went to see Up 3D last night with dear hubby. Best gila, menyentuh perasaan. Tak rugi aku bazirkan sikit more than the already mahal regular tix last night. Walaupon aku ada gak tertido for a few minutes in there (mebbie coz byk sgt carbon dioxide emission coz penuh gila manusia dlm tu) tapi aku still suka the movie. Recommended.
Our 3D glasses & the tickets.
There. Perjalanan minggu ini yg penuh dgn adventure & fun. Til then. Selamat menyambung puasa di bulan Ramadhan ini & selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri (tak sabarnye nak raya dgn family thn ni... this time raya will be complete, insyaAllah).
Malam tadi bulan mengambang penuh... cantik!
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