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Thursday, November 19, 2009


Panasnyeee hari ni. Its only 35°c max today, blom lagi like early this year when it was 47°c-50°c! My tapak tangan & tapak kaki dah peluh2 dah. Kipas is turned on 1 first, seb baik kipas tu power gila. Because of the scary experience early this yr, I've kinda prepared this house a bit, like having lotsa water in stock, the fans, tutup blinds awal2 bila dah tgh hari tu, etc. Harap-harap we all survive this year's summer la hendaknye.. harap-harap the temperature is milder than last time.. huhuhuhu...

Went to Chadstone Shopping Centre last nite. Saja-saja je nak tgk the opening of the new wing. The multimillion dollar worth of renovation & extension. Mostly luxury brands je yg
banyak, yg kurang luxury pon kebanyakannye yg tahap mahal. Banyak gile security guards kat new wings tu. Mebbie coz of diorang buat pameran handbags/ shoes/ etc kat walkway kot.

Hubby, Dr. MJ & I went there pakai baju gi pasar je. Hehehehe.. ye la, Chaddy tu like.. sebelah rumah je. :P
Anyways, saja je gi masuk kedai2 mahal ni. Nak tgk diorang layan ke tak. Fuiyoo.. kagum tgk the crowds, sooooo different from us all. Memang gaya exclusive sungguh. Ooooo.. rupa-rupanye ni la gaya org2 kaya-raya yg slalu beli brand2 ni ye. Terasa kampung sungguh aku ni. Hahaha. Tapi the salespersons semua senyum, tanya how r u, etc. Anyhow, terasa lemas pun ada coz ramai org cam aku ni yg berpusu-pusu saja je masuk nak tgk kedai2 mahal ni. My early observation of the items themselves... design yg bosan, which I dont think I will spend my money on any of these items. Plus.. aku tak rasa aku nak impress anyone by actually having any of them & actually showing them off to the public. Lemas dok situ lama-lama.

Teringat kat M'sia when I saja-saja masuk dlm kedai mahal-mahal ni. Some kedai dont even want to buka pintu for us kalau diorang tgk kita pakai baju yg kurang glamour ni. But to me, bleh, aku yg nak masuk, kalau tak nak buka pintu takpe, aku bleh buka sendiri. Apa.. ingat aku takde duit ke nak beli.. it just that probably I'm a little wiser in spending my money (quote from a fren). Kalau masuk kedai tu of course la nak pegang2, nak try sana sini kan. Aku akan slambanye pegang2 any bags or shoes that I like, asking the price, the size, etc... executing my consumer's right. Tak semestinye aku nak beli kan. Kalau the salesperson tu dah jeling-jeling, aku akan buat selamba derk je la, sambil senyum kat diorang even tho diorang tak nak senyum kat aku. Bukan diorang mati pon kalau aku usik bag2 mahal tu. D'oh! Heheehe... Like I sed, my consumer's right, and I dont really care, dude. Aku nak tgk, sukati aku la kan. Hehhehehe...

Hmmm.. tomorrow's the day for me to return one of the library books. Psychiatry book. I havent even finished 1 chapter yet. I feel lost each time baca buku tu. Bleh. Jap lagi nak baca la sket. Harap-harap masuk la sket. Tak nak la jadi bodo kat tpt kerja. But.. psych? Huhuhuhu... baca je la, nak buat cam mana.. huhuhuhu...

Aaahh.. I want my new car... zoom zoom zoom.. waiting is just excruciating...


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