Our yard had been neglected for probably months that the view from the outside, our house might have been like a haunted hut in the middle of a scary jungle. Seriously, cam tu la pandangan mata aku setiap kali aku kuar & masuk rumah.
Being obsessive compulsive, I had been thinking lots about snipping the grass, pruning, cutting branches, weeding, etc. Even kat tempat kerja. Setiap hari aku akan fikir about it. Setiap kali balik kerja aku akan dok dlm kereta jap, sort of planning my way to the yard. Obsess nyer pasal kot. Well, this in one of the many ways aku cope with life stressors (ni jangkit from Dr D la ni :P). But I remember last time I did it myself badan aku akan sakit2 gila (marah kat hubby nyer pasal aku gi snip rumput & potong dahan2 pokok). This time dah nekad dah nak ajak hubby join sama. Its our yard after all.
So yesterday pagi2 lagi afta breakie kami pon start la potong sana sini, bit by bit clearing the jungle until early arvo. It was a good weather to work on the garden. Gila penat. Tak sempat habis semua coz baaaaaaanyaaaaaaaak sgt. Tapi by the end of yesterday dah nampak clear sket. Kena alih all the 3 cars outside on the streets before starting doing it, and by the time masukkan balik kereta2 tu aku terasa relieved sket. Bila bukak pintu from my car takde la terasa cam dahan pokok hampas tu cam nak tercucuk mata aku or tercalarkan my face or terlukakan my car (I like to reverse park so that easy to chiao pagi2). Malam tu gila sakit badan. Popped some NSAIDs & lega sket (harap2 takde la exacerbation of this stoopid gastritis). Hubby pon sakit badan gak, could tell from his snoring both masa arvo nap & malam. Tapi dia ni ngelat je lebih :P
Pagi ni sambung lagi kat backyard plak. It was a good weather again. Gila aaahh! Ni lagi la cam hutan belantara. Aku kena really berhati2 coz byk lebah2 kat pokok bunga blakang rumah yg dulu ditanam oleh landlord. Before started, I slapped on sunblock & lotsa insect repellent & also my lucky yellow beach hat. Tak nak kena sengat, kang pengsan. Coz kat blakang nyer hutan lebih dasyat dp kat depan rumah, aku jumpa banyak gila insects & ulat2 lepas dah tebang2 tu sumer. Jijiks! Tapi nak buat cam mana kena hapuskan gak sumer2 ni. Kang susah nak jemur kain.
Ckp pasal jemur kain, I remember early this yr masa marah kat hubby aku dok snipping some trees & grass kat blakang. Masa snip pokok pagar kat tpt jemur kain tu aku ter'snip' salah satu line jemur kain tu. Huish.. tu la.. marah sangat sampai sumer pon bantai je. Dosa kat suami.
Anyways, tadi aku buat sungguh2 & hati2. Hubby still ngelat sket2. Tapi takpe, yg penting aku takde la buat menda ni sorang2.
Dlm tempoh 2 hari ni, 2 trips to Bunnings. Hubby beli mini garden bins, gergaji 2 biji (satu letrik, satu manual), pruning scissors, some seeds, rake & apa ntah lagi. Berguna.
Masalah kami sejak yesteday is takde green bin. Memang masa pindah sini dulu takde green bin & kami tak pernah peduli coz slalu rajin bersihkan sket2 & longgokan daun2 tu bubuh je kat tepi pokok that in a few months dah jadi kompos. Tapi kali ni hasil tuaian hutan belantara tu rasanye 3 green bin tu pon still tak cukup. Dah la penuh dgn ulat2. Yucks! Ikutkan hati nak je biar kat halaman blakang tu & kat bwh2 pokok. Aku dah memang gelisah habis dgn sepah2 ni. So hubby cadangkan panggil green waste people, and thank God, it was definitely a damn good idea. Org tu siap bunuh weed lagi. Bagus. Tah yah aku penat2 terbongkok-bongkok cabut rumpai2 tu lagi. A very pricey idea I would rather say.
Dipendekkan cerita maka terang benderanglah our yard. Alhamdulillah.
Clear otak aku bila bukak pintu rumah ni.
Segar rasanye.
Luar dah mcm halaman rumah manusia. =P
Aku sedar by getting rid of some of the greens maknanye makin sikit pokok2 yg nak get rid of carbon dioxide. But we hafta balance the fire risks now dah masuk summer & peak summer blom menunjukkan taringnye lagi. At least bila yard dah clean kurang la sket pergeseran dedaun kering/segar & spark any fire. I noticed last yr some of the pokok hangus dlm panas above 43°c tu. Better be careful this time. Well, all in all its gonna be a vicious cycle anyways.. poor us living in the warmth of the globe all coz our own fault.
Unfortunately takde gambar of the yard before & after. Malu lah! Huduh sgt so mmg takde keinginan nak amik gambar =P
Ada lagi sket2 nak kena trim & fix. We'll continue next week. Hari ni dah sakit badan gila. My hands pon dah terketar-ketar je bila nak tulis or type. Tapi aku puas coz senaman membina otot berjaya. Tambah lagi dgn 50 sit ups semalam & hari ni. Ada la stop2 sket coz tak larat dah kerja kuat siangnye. Takpe, aku aim nak buat sit ups (and push ups) sampai lebih kurang 100 setiap hari non-stop like I used to masa karate dulu. Teringat kat one of my uncles used to buat 150-200 sit ups a day masa dia muda2 dulu & now he's in his 50s, kempis je perut dia (ada la kendur skit2).
Oh ye, smlm aku masak chicken pomegranate as a reward for our success.
Ni inspiried by Restaurant City menu dlm FB. Tapi tu guna lamb & hafta bake it, kami guna ayam je. Malas nak bakar guna oven mengah tu. Hasilnye bleh tahan. =)
Nampaknye minggu ni byk projects nak diselesaikan. Better get my head straight =)
1 comment:
ambik la gambar after.. nak tengok hasil all the hard works
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