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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Boleh mati wooo...

I was oncall on Friday. Malas la nak ckp apa2 coz aku memang benci oncall or long shift. Malam tu aku balik lewat from work, dlm kol 10+++gitu. Pas tu dpt fon call from the ward yg aku kena gi balik to admit a patient & sth else. I thought I would be okay to work kalau tak tido so aku gi mandi then gi balik to the spital around 1++am. Masa tgh drive tu punye la letih & ngantuk & lapar. Sepanjang hari dah busy nak mati, then balik lambat, then kena gi balik for oncall lagi tu. Adohai.. Anyways, pegi sana & admitted this crazy guy who's dependent on drugs (aren't they all?). Selesaikan some stuff. Balik. Sampai rumah around 4++am. Fuh! Seriously shit, rasa nak pengsan. Masa drive balik rmh tu pon aku bergegar-gegar je. Rasa akan padam bila2 masa je.
Bahaya sungguh!

My other oncalls takde la cam gitu. I was lucky before coz cuma kena stay kat spital until midnight then start again in a.m. This time aku rasa teruks la jugak, but kinda think of it, alhamdulillah coz Saturday aku tak kerja so bleh rehat sket. Imagine cam kat M'sia yg oncall every 3rd day or so. Fuh! Aku cam terinsaf sket, kalau nak balik M'sia for good now I would probably be sth else other than a doctor. Or I could wait a little bit longer & balik to be a more experienced doctor supaya tak kena makan idup2 kat sana. Oh, how I wish M'sian health care system to be a little bit better & to have more mercy on the doctors... hence the rakyats.

Anyways, woke up ~1++pm yesterday coz letih gila oncall. Thought wanted to just rest kat rumah, tapi panas & aku rasa sgt sluggish luar dalam pasal still penat, so decided to visit the new South Warf DFO in the city. Mmg dah lambat pon by the time kami sampai sana, but takpe la. I deserve a break! Hahaha. Parking yg ntah apa2. All in all ok la. Kami pegi dgn Dr. MJ. Puas hati dpt 6 pairs of pants for such a bargain (total of ~au$100 from original price au$700).. yg sesuai dgn size aku skang =P
After tangkap2 gambar around Harbour Town & around the city, kami gi caught up with Dr. AI, dinner somewhere kat QV, lepak2 solat main rock band kat rumah dia, then balik.
Oh.. have I told anyone driving with airconditioning is superb? Best gila!

Hari ni plak still bgn lambat coz malam tadi takleh tido on time despite the sleeping pill. Went to Dandenong to buy some meat, including pastirami, meatloaf bolognaise & corned silverside beef. Sedap gila these cured meat. Aku tau kurang sihat but they are sooo yummy. Good source of zinc, iodine & of course protein in the A.M., coz sejak aku makan high protein diet in A.M. before work aku lebih focused & energetic at work, also less makan junk at work. So cuma makan 2x big meals a day la kiranye.
Also bought some baju baby utk a workmate yg akan pop soonish. Sambar skali utk my future baby. Cant help it.. they r sooooo soft & gebu! Best! Hehehehhe.. Nanti nak simpan these baju dlm vacum bag & guna bila sampai masanye. Kumpul sket2. Nanti bila dah sampai masanye takde la rasa terpaksa beli yg huduh. Tol tak?

Tadi kemas2 sket baju & pants/jeans dlm by wardrobe. Ye la, kena kasi space utk the new pants kan. Ni conclusionnye:
- ada lebih kurang 10 pairs yg aku memang takleh muat langsung, bcoz aku mmg takkan kurus sampai size tu balik, unless kalau aku jadi anoerexic kot. (ni lepas dah sedekah more mid last yr).
- ada lebih kurang lagi 10 pairs yg lebih kurang tak muat tapi kalau kurus sket bleh la squeeze in kot.
- the rest muat tapi kalau bowel penuh, ada la sket2 sesak jugak.
Yg tak muat langsung tu aku dah put aside to give away. Yg sempit2 sket tu, put aside dulu, mana la tau muat nanti bila kurus sket (mimpi je kot). These are still new less than a year, tapi kegemukan aku bertambah2 dlm kadar yg singkat so seksa la jugak bila pakai.
Baju2 blom asingkan lagi. Tu lagi banyak kerja tu.

Semalam masa lepak kat rumah Dr. AI, aku selak2 la buku masakan Low Carb Gourmet dia tu. Aku cam tertarik hati tgk BMI chart dlm tu (not the food). Well, kalau ikut berat aku now, aku still in the early normal BMI. Then tgk plak my previous weight masa aku masih muat all those clothes.. masa tu aku kat end of underweight. So maknanye aku ni takde la gemuks ke apa. Cuma tak muat baju je. Haha. Dulu tu kira tahap skeleton la kan. Dulu tu pakai baju yg kiranye bukan size aku la, tu la now bila dah normal, byk pakaian tak muat kan.
Well, that makes me feel better actually. Aku tau sumer2 ni in the back of my mind, cuma nak kena accept je. Anyhow, aku still rasa tak brapa comfortable with my body measurements and still aim nak tone up my muscles. Kalau berat tak nak turun, asalkan body cun tu dah okay dah. Like alwiz, aku memang tak kisah pasal berat.

Hari ni nuthing much, nak do some housework & study sket. Detox from inside wit fruits, vegies, senaman. Kalau takleh tido malam ni kena amik my little 'helper', kalau tak haru esok nak gi kerja. Huhuhuhu...

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