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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Goldburn Valley trip 1

Hari ni baru nak citer pasal last weekend trip gi up north, Shepparton in Goldburn Valley, bersama hubby visiting Dr. MJ, who is having his rotation there. Jet lag berhari2, now baru clear sket. :p

Di pagi yg cerah tu kami pun bertolak, bwk baju2 sejuk + selimut2 tebal + heater since Dr. MJ awal2 dah kasitau mlm can be very chilly & spital tak provide doona/ heater in the bedrooms. Some munchies & 100+ cans so that ada energy supply for us. Kami drive kereta kiutku just so we could take turns, since perjalanannye sgt la jauh dlm ~210+/-km, mcm pegi ke Sale in Central Gippsland down south. It was such a beautiful day with lotsa sunlight. We stopped twice for toilet & coffee. We passed those areas that were affected by the bushfire in Feb 09, quite eerie actually lookng at those black trees & grass. We also passed a few towns with interesting names :))

We arrived at Dr. MJ's place past noon, lepak2 jap minum coffee. It is smaller than our plc in Chaddy, but very neat & tidy (Dr. MJ is a very neat & tidy person, near OCD, hahahhaha). Rumah tu lantai parket, with heater kat ruang tamu. Ok la, very comfy, ada tv, sofa, dining table, open plan kitchen, fridge, microwave, stove & oven, lengkap la semua. Jiran2 sebelah semua mungkin docs jugak, since its senyap sunyi so mebbie diorang balik Melbourne/ mana2 for the weekends.

Pas tu terus gi SPC Sales centre, which is a place where kilang2 Gouldburn Valley/ SPC/ Campbell/ etc stok barang2 rumah in bulk & offers very good prices. Seperti dlm entry sblm ni, memang kami tersawan sket tgk brg2 yg jaaaauuh lagi murah fr what we can get from Coles/ Safeway/ Woolworth/ etc. Tak sedar diri betul my car is 'smallish', tapi bila fikirkan gua pernah pindah randah dgn kereta tu la ke Traralgon/ Sale/ Warragul/ etc. Byk berbakti kereta tu. Haiii... Anyways, byk gila borong, cautiously of course, coz ada yg murah2 tu yg dah passed their best-before date, which is fair enuf. It simply means that menda2 ni masih selamat digunakan cuma quality kureng sket than new products (heheheh.. blaja kat food safety course ari tu).

Dah late arvo & kami sgt lapar. So singgah ke Mustafa's Kebabs Place mkn kebab. They sed diorangnyer halal meat supply is from Melbourne. Very interesting ada a few halal kebab places around town, considering sini rural Aussie yg very much isolated from the world. And I can see byk Muslims pakai tudung even shopping at SPC tadi, which is quite impossible la jugak in most Aussie rural areas (due to racism). Sedap jugak kebab diorang, plus ada mcm2 drinks directly imported from Turkey. Interesting. Gua plak memborong instant chicken soup halal & some cherry drinks from there, I think ada je kat Melbourne, cuma malas nak cari. & alang2 dah ada kat sini, & murah plak tu, gua sambar je la. Huhuhu... puas la jugak.

(spaceship menyerang pekan shepparton)
Then kami ronda2 sekeliling town Shepparton & Mooroobna (5km away fr Shep). Cantik2 jugak rumah2 kat sini. Very much so like those rumah2 batu kat M'sia zaman 60's-80's. Classic. Ada jugak yg modern but gua kurang minat, since those kinda houses bersepah2 kat Melbourne. Bohsan ah. Talking about bosan, there's a shop here called sth like 'bohjan' ke apa ntah. Lupa nak amik gambar coz we were going back to Dr. MJ's place & it was already dark.
(tempat Penipu-penipu lepaks kat Shep ni)

We had dinner at Dr. MJ's place, since kitorang bwk some halal hotdog fr Melbourne. Simple. Mlm tu lepak2 sket lepas mandi. Tgk tv, reminiscing the old memory dok kat rural dulu (blehhh!!). Seronok tukar2 channel between Prime (as in channel 7 in Melbourne urban), Win (as in 9) and Southern Ten (as in 10). Byk iklan2 Rivers, chainsaw, perladangan, etc yg u cant see in Melb urban channels. Hehehehhe.

Seriously freezing there at night, more than Melbourne I supposed. Fuh, letih gila. Nitey nite.

Keesokan harinye lepas breakie, we went out again menikmati cahaya matahari yg best tu. Jalan2 tengok nama jalan lagi.

Ada pasar minggu dekat park sinun. Mcm2 ada. Some things are cheap, some things are mmm ala kadar, some things are sama je cam kat Melbourne.

Papan tanda best :)

Llama pun ada.

Very pretty place. Then kami bermain2 dgn lembu2 di Shepparton. Macam2 gaya ada.

Posting ala2 advert mag gitu :D

Ada mosque jugak kat sini :D

Lepas tu, singgah jap kat SPC lagi skali shopping last minute sebelum balik lunch kat tpt Dr. MJ.
Then travelled back to Melbourne. Huaarrghh... letih gila. But worthwhile.
InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki datang lagi :)

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