Ni la kerja aku bila tak dpt tido. Selain dp try kemas2 rumah, try study & makan2, aku juga dok mengulangkaji menda2 best kat internet & majalah2 koleksi (own mags & yg curi kat spital). This time its pasal kulit & kecantikan.
Aku started pakai mekap ni pon agak lewat kalau nak banding dgn most of other teens kat M'sia & of course dgn kanak2 kat Aussie ni. Kalau ikut cronology nye:
- started with lipgloss/balm from a very young age coz was living in the U.K when I was 5. then continue on sampai la ni. sebab tu aku suka lip make up than eye colours. then slowly using lipcolours when i'm in my mid teen years. masa tu guna coloured lipbalm je. now share lip colours with mum, tapi mostly guna sendiri punya coz our fav colours & texture r very different. my evergreen lip care until now: Lip Ice from Mentholatum.
- started looking afta my skin mebbie when i was 9 or 10 sebab terpengaruh dgn iklan tv. walaupun aku membersar dgn adik-beradik/ cousins lelaki semuanye & non of my female cousins sibuk jaga kulit/ mekap bagai (seingat aku la) aku sangat conscious dgn how i look sejak kecik lagi. masa tu just curi2 guna moisturiser org dewasa, hazeline snow kot. hahahhaa. then started using facial wash sejak umur 12. masa tu ingat lagi, abah marah coz dia kata sayang kulit aku ni dah rosak kena bahan kimia. kinda think of it, aku setuju gak. tapi last2 masa umur 13, 14 dia belikan aku facial wash yg best & sgt sesuai dgn kulitku yg ngada2 masa tu. i still remember dia belikan aku 2 jenis facial wash hazeline snow: scrub & yg minty nyer. aku punye la suka. best sgt. pas tu masa kat asrama gatal2 guna sabun susu kambing beli dp member yg maknye jadi dealer. hahaha. best la jugak. mcm2 lagi aku try, ada biore, ada oil of ulan, ada johnson & johnson, ada mustika ratu, ntah apa2 lagi.
- then for years i've been using oil of ulan SPF all over my face & tangan skali. pernah try mcm2 sample, tapi ni yg paling bagus. then naik taraf guna neutrogina with SPF. masa tu my skin was super oily & ada byk jerawat. berkilat2. hmmm, bila fikir balik, mebbie sebab tu dulu muka aku kinda cerah even tho aku rajin bersukan masa skolah dulu, until la ni sejak terkena matahari Aussie. now dah itam sket walau tebal mana pon aku sapu SPF (ye la, SPF just sun protection bukan whitening product). oh ye, zaman tu ada gak aku try pemutih kulit amenda ntah yg femes dulu tu, mebbie now dah kena tarik kot.
- started using separate night lotion by age of 16 kot. tapi masa tu guna yg murah2 je like oil of ulan or simply baby lotion.
- started wearing compact powder/ coloured loose powder masa umur 18++ dah nak dekat grad IB. sebelum tu tepek bedak bayi je on top of moisturiser. masa tu ingat lagi one of the last lunches with homeroom kat IB tu, one of the guys noticed muka aku lain lepas abis kelas. lawa lagi kot. hahahaa. ingat lagi dia kata, konon2 random to all other girls jugak.. "haaa.. ni mesti balik tadi gi touch up bedak kan, lain je muka masing2". alahaaii...
- started wearing glasses masa umur 16. mebbie masa tu i needed them way before tapi tak perasan. padan la terkebil2 je biji mata aku slalu dlm kelas coz kabur2 je pandangan. masa tu takde la rasa cam nerd, even tho aku ni agak geek masa tu. started wearing contact lenses when I was 18++, defying my dad's wishes. kecoh satu kelas masa tu aku pakai contacts. cheh, tau la aku lagi lawa lepas pakai tu. dah tak nerd lagi. tambah plak baru blaja pakai compact powder. ahahhaha.. until now aku pakai contacts most of the time & pakai glasses bila dok rumah or malas nak pakai contacts, which is jarang2. and alhamdulillah la dlm 10 thn yg aku pakai contacts ni, 1x je aku kena conjunctivitis, itu pon masa first month pakai & pasal suspected kena. masa tu mata tak merah/ber'discharge tapi gatal2 je. siap gi jumpa doctor lagi, risau la katakan. then afta a few days pakai balik & tak pernah kena dah. alhamdulillah.
hmmmm.. one of my brothers just bought his first pair of contacts, again.. against mine & my dad's wishes. and dia jawab balik... "eleh, awak dulu pon start masa umur cam ni jugak kan". hmmm betul jugak tu. but dear, girls body matures earlier than guys, hence my eyes dah stable power dia earlier than urs masa umur aku cam u now. ur power tak brapa stable lagi so nanti takut bazir contacts like each time u tukar ur glasses.. haaaiii.. nak buat cam mana.
- started wearing foundation when i was here in Aussie. masa tu umur 19++. tak ingat brand apa, or when exactly. mebbie masa tu guna Maybelline kot. now slowly naik taraf ikut suka.
- started wearing eyecolour & mascara masa umur 22,23 kot. simply coz aku pakai contacts slama ni. and still learning the techniques & colour suitability. My best achievements ialah masa gi kenduri kawin my best fren F & masa tunang aku sendiri mekap.
- started using blusher masa umur 25 thn. tu pon pasal temankan Dr. D gi the Body Shop & beauty assistant tu yg pakaikan. masa tu ingat lagi, aku stress coz super conscious about my face lepas dia bubuh tu. tak nak jadi cam clown.
- perfume, sejak zaman remaja lagi until now. mula2 beli guna duit sendiri kumpul2 zaman sekolah. then mak belikan bila dia gi overseas, then bf (now hubby) belikan, now beli sendiri + hubby kasi. plus aku yg rajin belikan my family + hubby perfumes. hubby's all time favourite is Carolina Hererra 212 Men & mum's all time favourite is Lancome Miracle. Mine special ones alwiz: Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto collection, Missoni Acqua, Clinique Simply.
My other perfumes now (ada yg dah abis): Davidoff Cool Water, Davidoff Cool Water Game, Davidoff Echo, Elizabeth Arden Green Tea, Elizabeth Arden Mediterranean Summer, JLo Live Lux, Versace Red Jeans, Avon Pur Blanca, Anna Sui Sui Dreams (first perfume from hubby, then bf) & yg terbaru gatal2 beli Versace Versence.
Yg pernah ada from samples or kasi org dah: JPG Madame (to TTM), Hypnose' (to Antonia), Dior Addict & this particular green bottled perfume very strong my mum bought (to K.Yah wit mum's blessing), Clinique Elixir & EA Mediterranean (to Anisha), JPG Red Jeans & CH Incanto Heaven (to best buddy M), Dior Addict 2 & Carolina Hererra 212 Women samples (still here & loving it) and some other samples that I still keep nicely in display.
At the moment, hubby & I tgh nak try Clinique Happy both Men's & Women's. Salute to Dr. D coz dia yg try yg ni dulu.
Waaahhh.. byk betul minyak wangi yg aku minat. Tapi semuanye lebih kurang sama je bau dia. Hahaha.
- body lotion dah guna sejak kecik sampai la ni. dulu guna baby lotion Johnson & Johnson or Baby Magic from the U.S., now aku sgt kemaruk kat the Skin Food products sejak my best fren F gave me the set as a wedding gift. Thanks heaps F. Love u. My favourite until la ni ialah Fresh Lime Body Cream (left pic). This hilangkan my calluses, parut, kulit kering & eczema. So totally in love with it. Body moisturiser lain takde yg kasi this kind of effect, except mebbie cream gamat tu tapi susah nak dpt. Lagi satu ialah Jojoba Heel Care Butter (right pic) yg aku bantai je memana if cuaca sangat2 kering. My hubby & my family love these 2 products as well. Malangnye menda ni takde kat Aussie. Ni yg terasa nak bukak franchise kat sini jap lagi ni.
- masalah jerawat sejak zaman remaja dulu. dulu sibuk2 la pakai oxy. ada la baik sket. tapi tak makan saman jugak kadang2 jerawat aku tu. then just before nak fly ke sini masa medical check up dulu tu, doc kasi antibiotics & retinol solution. pas tu continue kat sini dgn pelbagai lagi steps sampai naik bosan. ada gak try pencuci muka gamat which is very very good, tapi susah nak dpt masa tu. last2 aku resort to the ultimate la kan. no need to say anymore. now aku sangat sayang pada kulit mukaku. =D
Oh ye. Aku teringat masa ikut my x-housemate gi Perth & i forgot to bring my facial wash. Aku pakai dia punya yg ada beeswax. Hancus muka aku ada allergic reaction. Tak tau pon masa tu aku allergic to beeswax ni. Sedih sangat2 sebab sakit & muka jadi huduh. Ada member uni kata bibir aku masa tu irregular border, erythematous, bleeding, etc. Mcm2 products aku try nak kasi reda reaction tu. Last2 resort to Clinique. Baik terus, but it took a long time to recover. Agak2 bertahun2 jugak la coz each winter sejak reaction tu, muka aku mengganas & jadi elok sgt time summer or in M'sia. Now dah okay & I love to try new products all the time, tapi dgn berhati2 la. Now aku dok menerai this Skin Food sample, but still stay on my Clinique toner.
Hmmm, aku still new in the eye make ups & blusher areas, simply coz:
- I wear contact lenses, so slalu malas pakai coz eye colours make my eyes red/ gatal/ tak selesa when I have my contacts on. Sejak beberapa thn kebelakangan ni je yg gatal2 nak pakai.
- Blusher baru start pakai beberapa thn dulu coz I noticed that my face pucat coz terlalu putih in winter & terlalu dull in summer. I used to make this mistake by buying a slightly darker foundation tak nak kasi pucat. But now dah legam sket sejak rajin sunbathing in summer especially this yr's summer.
There u go. My skin care/ beauty diary entry. ahahhahahaha.. Still need help dlm hal2 mekap mata ni coz masih baru. Pernah suatu masa dulu aku gi nyopping kat Watson, KL dgn best fren M to feed my obsession, dia kata.. "Aaaiii... A, tak payah jadi doctor la, jadi je make up artist.". Hahahahhaha.. my pleasure my dearie fren, my pleasure. Amik degree ni pon sekadar suka2 je. Memang aku minat abis kat hal2 kulit/ mekap ni ;)
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