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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dinner & 100Plus

Penat gila kerja evening shift smlm. Kaki masih sakit coz kelmarin berlari2 panjat escalator yg tinggi nak mampus kat Parliament station, semata-mata nak sampai cepat kat DIAC.

My URTI ni blom baik sepenuhnye so hidung masih tersumbat-sumbat. Disebabkan tu jugak, otak aku ni rasa tepu je sepanjang malam, aku bleh dikatakan moody jugak sepanjang malam. Nasib kau la satu bapak patient ni kena sedas dgn aku coz kecoh2 nak orthopaedic surgeon review that very instant of the night sedangkan fracture kat kaki anak dia cuma a mini hairline fracture. Fracture tu plak jenis yg tak perlu plaster but dah bapaknye kecoh sgt maka aku bubuh je la plaster kasi dia sedap hati. Aku ckp dah kau masuk public spital so follow up ikut protocol, unless kaki anak kau tu memang dah hancur abis kan & kena admit mlm tu jugak. Kalau kau nak sgt second opinion aku takde prob, tapi gi la jumpa GP for the referal. Otherwise the fracture clinic review will be next week, okay. Seb baik aku pick up patient with a dental pain smlm. Kalau tak, ish ish ish...
Usually patients & nurses kata aku ni baik sgt kat diorang. But, like every other human being in the world, kesabaran ada hadnye kan. As much as I'm empathetic kat patients, kengkadang menda2 songeh ni aku seriously malas nak layan. Again... emergency department is for E.M.E.R.G.E.N.C.Y.
Excuse me for my language, people.

And oh.. I seriously cant stand this particular medical student.. I think this one is particularly overconfident but rude & kureng bijak sket, than my other medical students. Aku teringat satu incident dgn one medical student masa aku buat surgical residency job. Our farewell dinner, aku nak bayar dinner aku, dia berdiri kat sebelah aku, tetiba nampak my uni card yg aku masih simpan dlm purse aku, slamba b*** je amik from MY PURSE & showed off to other ppl. Aku kasi dia sebiji. Kurang ajar betul. Tak semestinye aku baik dgn diorang, diorang bleh cross that line of respecting others. Aku bukan la nak diorang ni 'yes tuan, yes tuan' dgn aku. Tapi jgn menyampuk bila aku ckp dgn doctor lain, jgn kurang ajar, jgn perasan bagus, tunjuk yg kau tu rajin + willing to learn boleh tak? Yang kat ED ni plak, this particular student ish ish ish, aku mmg seboleh2 nak avoid dia. I've noticed that some docs cant stand her as well.

I dont remember zaman aku jadi student dulu aku or most of my friends macam diorang ni. Kitorang dulu (we r talking about being medical students in years 2000+++) gerun bila nak menyampuk ckp doctor2 apatah lagi nak meninggikan suara. We were assertive enuf, but still tunjuk respect kat our superiors. Ok la, aku dulu pon kurang bijak jugak, tapi takde la mcm diorang ni yg umpama tong kosong je. Org suruh jumpa patient coz they r interesting/ good for their learning, berani je ckp tak nak or kalau jumpa pon cam hampes je kerja diorang. Terbakar betul aku bila diorang buat cam ni. They are only procedural stuff e.g. plastering, suturing, etc, konon-konon cool diorang dah buat itu-ini if to compare with their frends. Diorang ni kena sedar, as much as doctors need to learn some procedural stuff, they also have to know the foundation of medicine. Setiap satu illness will run through millions of presentations, and there are millions of illnesses in the world, aaand each one of them evolve over time. They hafta learn to recognize each one of these as much as they can. That makes a good doctor, bukan doctor yg cuma tau jahit tangan tapi tak tau nak manage acute abdomen or angina. Plus, diorang patut sedar, all the doctors dlm rotation diorang secara langsung atau tidak akan mempengaruhi diorangnyer assessment, hence their career down the track. Maka... pandai-pandai la bawak diri tu (macam aku ni, ahaks!)..

I hafta admit that ramai gak good medical students attached to me. I remember this final year medical student boy early this year; baik & sopan, merendah diri, willing to learn. Bagus. He will go far if he stays that way.

Anyways, back to work yesterday with some new residents. Ok la coz most of them pon aku kenal frm before masa diorang dtg ED admit pt, ward rounds, etc. Aku tak tukar rotation coz I'm doing my critical care, meaning ED for 5-6months, Anaesthetics, ICU.

Aku balik lambat smlm, way past midnight, coz had to settle a few high risk cardiac patients.
Balik je hubby dah tido. I noticed on the kitchen bench this note... aaawwww... terharu aku.

Nota kat my medical notepad. Dia beli food for me masa
jumpa member dia last nite kat city.
Love u hubby, thanks heaps.
Kekenyangan aku tido mlm tadi.. burpppzzz!

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